Session 10

Ten: Mirror, Mirror   Cale awakens first and only sees Tar nearby. They are surrounded by sand and shattered glass. Cale tends to his own wounds and then tries to check on Tar.   Tar awakes next and is sitting at a bar in a casino, a familiar face sitting across from him. The Bartender serves him a drink and he notices that Cale is also present, dressed in a suit. Tar thinks they are there to rob the casino Vault. Mir then appears in a dress and leads them through the casino, Tar noticing that all the patrons are also Mir, but that doesn’t seem wrong to him. Cale begins to fall into the illusion as well.   Mez finds himself in Coruscant, 8 years ago. He is hiding among the garbage but hears the boots of Clone Troopers, including Commander Brody who leads them in the hunt for Mez. Once they leave, Mez begins to make his way through the lower levels, coming across 2 Clone Troopers blocking the way he intended. He turns around, trying to follow Commander Brody. He tries to find his way but falls into some garbage that feels gritty and dry. The environment shifts around him until he realizes he’s in a desert but doesn’t realize or remember why. He notices Mir sitting on a tree stump, who begins to interrogate him about why he pressed the button. Mez can hardly get a word in as Mir continues his barrage of questions, accusing Maeve of not being the great Jedi she claims to be.   Jolder awakes on a rocky, craggy desert that she knows as home. Around her, fellow Mandalorians are fighting Clone Troopers as they make their affront on Mandalore. Another mandalorian lands next to her, removing his helmet to reveal Mirdalorian. He urges Jolder to join the fight, though it is going poorly and they are clearly outnumbered. Jolder charges into the fray. As the fight rages on, she witnesses her mother fall in battle - turning to particles of glass and sand. Jolder knows her mother didn’t die in this fight. But as the thought comes to her mind, everything fades away to reveal just one figure in rebel armor, revealed to be Mir. Jolder is befuddled as Mir questions why she abandoned her comrades in the rebellion. The questioning shifts to accusations of abandonment, revealing their location to the Inquisition, and inaction.   Maeve awakens in a ruin deep within a cave. Jedi texts, robes, and gear are strewn about. She recognizes it as a hideout she’d been in before with Cale. As she looks for Cale, she realizes the ruin is familiar but not as remembered. A closer look reveals it appears to be the site of a battle that she knows didn’t happen here. Her lightsaber arcs into the blaster particles floating in the air as she moves through the cave. While there are no bodies, it feels as if a battle had been paused here, the air completely still. As she moves further in, there are fewer remnants of Troopers but more and more Jedi remnants pepper the path in. Reaching the center of the caver, she finds an altar holding the ancient mask from Raxus Prime. As she reaches out with the force, she senses the absence of it instead. She sighs and reaches out for the mask – interrupted by Mir appearing behind her. Another relentless questioning begins, Mir emphasizing the failure of the Jedi as a whole and Maeve herself. He reveals that this is the ruin Maeve was at during Order 66, running for her life.   … Cale continues to follow Mir into a room, though he knows the Casino isn’t real. Mir provides all the gathered reconnaissance of the casino to rob the vault. Tar realizes this is a memory of his, and knows that Cale doesn’t belong there but doesn’t really question it at the time. Mir encourages them to move on with the plan, which Tar knows is the distraction phase. But before he can move on, Cale accuses Mir of selling them out, and an argument ensues between them. Mir attempts to plant distrust between Tar and Cale. Getting fed up, Cale throws a grenade into the casino.   Mez tries to orient himself, remembering the name Mataou, but doesn’t know how he got there. Mir continues to berate Mez. He asks who he really thinks was behind Order 66, accusing the Jedi of doing it and insinuating that Maeve is keeping secrets from him. He advises Mez to keep a close watch on those he surrounds himself with and implies that someone in the party wants him gone. Mez deduces Cale would want him gone, and Mir suggests that Cale would only be working for Maeve. A lightsaber ignites behind him.   Jolder converses with the rebel Mir, who continues to ask Jolder what to do now and makes accusations of betrayal. Jolder hears a lightsaber behind her and turns to find an Inquisitor. Mir asks who was responsible for the betrayal - says that someone in the ship had to have told the Inquisition.   Mir accuses Maeve of being a coward. He claims that Mez has turned to the dark side because of Maeve’s failure. Behind her, she sees an image of Mez, feral and mangy as he seemingly hunts some prey. Mir accuses Mez of communing with the mask - that he will turn to the dark side. The image shifts, revealing Mez wearing the mask.   … Cale notices the casino floor is sandy after the blast, but it doesn’t slow Tar down. All three of them run toward the vault, passing by an Imperial Officer who seems to recognize Cale. Cale stabs him and continues toward the vault. The illusion falters for Cale when they enter the vault, and their location shifts to ruins. Cale notices a Jedi symbol in front of him and realizes he is in the Jal Shey library. He notices Mir, dressed in his Jal Shey robes, waiting for him.   Mez stands in front of a shadowy figure wielding a lightsaber. The figure identifies himself as the Deliverance of Fate, and Mir presents this as an opportunity for Mez to right his wrongs. Instead, Mez lays down his weapon. The Deliverance of Fate attacks him, Mez rolling out of the way before the lightsaber strikes. The shadowy figure lowers his hood to reveal himself as Commander Brody. They circle each other and as Brody approaches what appears to be Mir at first, it is revealed to be his former Jedi Master, Mel Khetets. Mel antagonizes Mez, calling him stupid. Brody goads Mez, trying to lead him into a fight, then shoots Mel. Mez holds his ground as Brody continues to taunt him. But when Mez attempts to force choke Brody, he finds the connection to the force is gone. Brody force pulls Mez to him and says he is going to die and Brody will kill his friends. Mez argues that won’t happen, and Brody retorts with the image of Mez’s friends slain.   Jolder watches in horror as the Inquisitor slaughters more and more of her companions. She attacks the Inquisitor, frustrated with her previous inaction. The inquisitor advances, deflecting the blaster shots into the remaining companions surrounding them. A dying companion appearing as Mir asks Jolder why she didn’t help, and pleads that they needed her. The inquisitor continues to advance with purpose, attacking her. They fight, and the inquisitor shoots at Mir, Jolder shielding him.   Maeve faces a mangy, feral image of Mez, now wearing the mask and moving toward her with menacing purpose. Maeve tries to plead with him, but Mez attacks, Mir goading her on to fix her mistake.   … Cale continues his conversation with condescending intelligent Mir, watching Tar and Addict Mir stuff backpacks with things from the library. Mir gives a lesson on the force to Cale, explaining that the living force is something you can use and bend to your will, while the Cosmic force speaks to the interconnectedness of all things. He continues to insult Cale’s intelligence and shows him the image of multiple overlays of stacked galaxy maps. Some show the divide between the unknown regions and the rest of the galaxy. Mataou is in a different spot in each map and even missing from others. Mir reveals a nexus point among the maps that intersect somewhere within the library. All of them have the same timestamp. Tar approaches with his haul, still convinced they have robbed a casino and ready to leave. As they walk away, Cale notices a pale blue glow in one bag and a pale red glow in another, deep within the contents.   Mez sees Maeve bringing her lightsaber down on him. He tries to break through the hallucination, instead realizing that the real Maeve is attacking him. He realizes she is also under some unknown influence.   The Inquisitor continues to attack Jolder’s (Mir)companion, force choking Jolder and throwing her to the ground of a dark stone room. When she lights up the room, she sees the names of those fallen in the rebellion engraved upon the wall. Mir is waiting on the far side of the room. They talk as he leads her somewhere, revealing a vault of texts occupied by Cale, Tar, and Addict Mir. Jolder joins them as intelligent Mir leads them to a hallway with a distant pin of light in the distance. Maeve sees Mez kneeling before her, knowing she could take the killing blow. Instead she rips away the mask from his face, but he still appears as corrupted by the dark side. She tries to reach him and coax him back again. Mez watches as his master reaches toward his throat, willing it not to be true as he breaks free of illusion. Maeve still stands over him, holding the mask in her left hand. Mez tries to reach out and force whisper to Maeve, but force pushes instead. Maeve approaches, expressing her conflict and frustration over Mez turning to the dark side and continues to urge him back to the light side. As she approaches, she proclaims that she would rather destroy the force itself before losing Mez to the dark side. She lifts the mask, an inviting void compared to the feelings burying her, and places it upon her face. Mez finds himself face to face with a wound in the force, a devil he didn’t know could exist. Maeve feels a surge of unknown power - outside of the living force. She sees Mez, still knelt in front of her, but feels only hunger. Mir tells him that she will destroy the galaxy if she is not stopped.   … Cale, Tar, Mir, and Jolder run down the hallway to find Maeve with her lightsaber raised to strike down Mez. They all snap out of the illusion.   Cale tries to step toward Maeve to stop her but walks into a storm of sand and glass shards surrounding Maeve and Mez. Cale notices a nearby dais is the apex from the galaxy maps within the library he was shown earlier. He makes another unsuccessful attempt to disarm Maeve.   Tar and Jolder try to figure out what’s going on. Jolder realizes they are at a force nexus, which would normally allow those not proficient with the force to commune with someone who is now a part of the cosmic force. This reveals why the Jal Shey order is so knowledgeable.   Cale gets nearer and realizes it’s not Maeve anymore. She tries to fight the influence of the mask but gives in to the hunger and begins to pull the life force from Mez. He swipes his lightsaber at the mask, cutting it in half, but it does not fall. Maeve finally manages to snap out of it and removes the mask. It shatters against the ground and Maeve falls in the glass storm. Cale and Tar work to stabilize her.   Mir has been attempting to operate the dais, and knows it is opening doors that could potentially be an escape, but unable to manage to keep one open. Cale helps Mir open a door from the dais, and learns there is not a way to leave it open without holding the mechanism. He also realizes that someone with a connection to the Force may be able to connect to a door back in time. Mez volunteers to help find the right time/place to go and volunteers to stay behind to keep the door open. He opens the door to the point in time before the party enters the Rakatan ruins. Mez asks Cale to get Maeve out, and while she tries to free herself to go to Mez, Cale only holds her more tightly. Everyone makes their way through the door and looks back as Mez barely takes a step forward and the door begins to close. In his last moments, Mez force whispers to Maeve, “Thank you master, it’s been quite the journey.” The door closes as the shards of glass swirl around him.   … Tar realizes he is still holding one bag that contains many rocks, with a Jedi holocron and a Sith holocron among them.