Session 12

General Summary

Twelve: Canons of Honor   Jolder and Rickter reunite. Rickter reveals that Mandalore has been overwhelmed. He says they thought they would be safe there, but the Empire had beat them to the planet. Many were wiped out or captured. Jolder asks Mother for an update and receives only a short message with the word “tratyc.” Jolder is unable to pinpoint where the message is being sent from. She reveals that Mother is her real mom and that the code word means everything has gone to shit. The rest of the crew is introduced to Rickter, except for Tar, who has mysteriously disappeared.   Rickter gleans that Maeve is troubled and asks Mir and Jolder about it. They take him to the shrine of Mez and explain what had happened on Mataou.   Cale catches Tar hiding the bag of rocks in his room. He tries to persuade Tar to show him what’s in the bag. Cale tries to reason with Tar and insist he should contribute some of the gold to the crew as part of his fair share. Tar insists the bag is his retirement fund and tries to offer his share in an alternate payment method. After listening to this for several moments, Maeve camouflages herself and makes her way behind Tar, untying the bag and tipping it onto the floor to reveal the rocks and two holocrons. One Jedi and one Sith.   Cale feels a dark, cold presence in the room when the holocrons are revealed. Mir taunts Tar with a gold bar, and Tar quickly takes chase, convinced Mir had stolen his gold and replaced them with rocks.   Maeve investigates the Sith holocron and senses a dark entity’s presence inside it. The Jedi holocron has the same sense, but with the Light side. Cale makes a move to take the Sith holocron away, but Maeve convinces him to let her keep them for now to see what’s on them. Cale reluctantly agrees, insisting Maeve talk to him if she begins to feel off.   While talking to Cosa, Jolder learns she’s been worried about her mom on Naboo because she hadn’t heard from her in a while. She said she asked a neighbor to check on her mom for her and found out her mom and a few others have been missing. Jolder keeps her company for a while, ensuring her that the group can go find her mom.   Mir and Rickter begin to cook some kind of atomic Mandalorian chili. Tar, Cale, Cosa, and Jolder eat it and are unfazed.   Maeve stays in her quarters and investigates the holocrons. She focuses on the Sith holocron, releasing some of the rage she has been struggling with, and opening it. Inside, she senses the presence of a Sith Lord. It asks, “what is your query?”   Maeve asks who it is, and he replies that he is Darth Carnasuss. She asks what he is doing in a holocron. He changes his demeanor, now interested in her, and states, “You are not a Sith. Didn’t the Order teach you not to play with things like this?” Maeve tells him that the order is gone. Darth Carnasuss asks how he may be of service. Maeve asks more about the holocron and its capabilities. Canasuss tells her it has many secrets, some that she is not prepared to use. He states it contains lore of the Sith, techniques, how to destroy holocrons, and more. He reveals this is a vessel of knowledge, of power, and it can be used in whichever manner one may choose to use it.   Maeve asks for his help in repairing the broken Sith holocron she had found in the temple of the mask. He manipulates the holocron, taking it apart in detail and placing it back together. He tells her that he can show her how to lend some of her essence into it to reactivate it, and tells her it must be done on Korriban. She says she will think about this.   Maeve focuses and opens the Jedi holocron, feeling a light force. She sees the familiar face of Master Baku. She converses with him, telling him all that has happened. He tries to console her, telling her that the Jedi have faced near-annihilation many times. He tells her that the force is unbalanced. That it has been prophesied that there would be one to bring balance. He insists that the force ebbs and flows and takes time to be undone. He also advises to be careful with the Sith holocron; there is no restriction to access of knowledge that may be dangerous to know. He warns her that things will sound better than what they really are - Things like a promise of power and ways to undo mistakes - but they are a false hope. Maeve agrees to consider these warnings. She stashes the holocrons away.   Meanwhile, Mir feels the holocrons opening while conversing with the others at dinner.   Later, Mir and Jolder invite Maeve to a “therapeutic” session. Mir force whispers to Maeve and cautions her against whoever she’s been talking to. They all walk to the cargo bay.   Richter explains the Mandalorian tradition of Canons of Honor, a combat ritual. He tries to convince Maeve to fight him as part of the tradition, but she refuses, pointing out the absurdity of a Jedi taking part in something the Order teaches against. As she walks away, she sees a silhouette of Mez where Richter is standing, goading Maeve and attempting to intimidate her into lashing out. When he closes in on her, she releases a burst of Force energy. They fight, as Mir and Jolder look on. Richter tries to convince Maeve that Mez wouldn’t have wanted her to feel or act as she has been. Maeve tires of being told what to do or how to feel. She tells Richter she is sick of playing his game and unleashes force lightning, bringing him to his knees. Jolder breaks her concentration so Richter can make his advance. He grapples her and again makes some platitudes about her not being alone, holding her for several more moments. She tells him that she needs to work out things on her own, she is not part of their clan. She does, however, thank him for trying to treat her as one. He releases her and she retreats to her quarters once more. As she unleashes more frustration, she hears the Sith Holocron click open and the voice of Darth Conasuss, who makes his offer. “I can teach you to get rid of your pain.”
Report Date
19 Aug 2023