Session 14

General Summary

Fourteen: Under Pressure   Mir approaches the bunker, finding it so overgrown it could easily be mistaken for a cave. The vines grow from a hole in the floor. Mir finds a console, but isn’t able to power it up. Cale finds a slot for a power cell to be inserted and powers up the console and activates the elevator. The group takes the very long elevator ride further into the bunker. Vines grow upon nearly every surface. Maeve notices a blurry blue light emitting from underneath the elevator as we approach an area that reveals we are now underwater. Maeve notices what looks like a shadow of a mountain in the water, and as she sees it move, the bottom of the elevator falls out. They land into a lobby, overgrown with vines, and head through a door at the end. The group enters another hallway, strewn with boxes that contain research reports and materials. Jolder begins gently moving the vines to reveal claw marks on the floor and blaster marks and blood splatters along the walls. She uncovers the signs labeling the halls (Power Plant, Docking Bay, Labs, Barracks). Cale tells us the control base would be either near the barracks or near the docks, based on his previous familiarity with similar bases. He suggests we head to the docks. They encounter the strange blue light again in the first section. The second section reveals another section of the ocean, and strangely this section isn’t as overgrown with vines. Cale notices a door leading to the airlock. Part of the group investigates the room. The panel reveals the other side of the airlock is over pressure. Mir stays in the room to perform the emergency override and enters the docking area to find a submersible vehicle docked. Mir also sees the large shadow in the ocean - several sizes larger than Richter. Mir tells the party that if we turn on power, we could close the blast doors to drain the docking area and use the sub to leave.     The group ventures back down the hallway toward the power plant. We find the reactor and pumping stations, the outer blast door is locked. Jolder slices the terminal to open the door. Richeter sets of a mine as we enter the area. Richter notices some charred vines but this area is not as heavily covered as the rest of the base. The hall to the reactor is littered with incendiary mines and Richter steps on another mine. The reactor room has several inches of water flooding it, the central reactor is cold. Cale comes across the body of a dead Storm Trooper. Then sees about 20 other bodies of Imperials. Some of them don’t have injuries, likely died of starvation or exposure, only about a week ago. The others with trauma have died within the day. Mir and Maeve realize they’re not the only ones in this room. Vine-reanimated corpses rise up in the room. The group defeats them and Mir gathers that they might be contagious and suggests not letting them bite us. Cale gets the power back on and the group heads back to the docking area. Turn one pump on, and the reactor coolant begins to stabilize. One pumping room seems to have been deliberately destroyed.     They head back to the docking area, Cale, Mir, and Jolder go to the control room to try to fix the terminal to drain the docking area. They manage to close the doors to the docking bay, which alights, and they see a gargantuan shark-like creature. Cale notices the threat deterrent device is offline.     Tar, Maeve, and Richter notice a gargantuan creature staring at them through the transparasteel window from the ocean. The creature begins ramming into the side, knocking the three of them prone. Tar and Maeve head toward Cale, Jolder, and Mir. Richter heads toward the command center.     Mir ends up distracting and leading away the creature. Richter reaches the command center to find it locked tight. Jolder steps out of the airlock to head to Richter, she finds about 6 inches of water filling into the bridge of the docking area. She patches the hole to stop the leaking as she makes her way to command. Cale goes to investigate the submarine. Maeve feels a tendril of the dark side stroke her mind.     Richter falls under the influence of whatever entity is in the base and sees Mir and Jolder as husks. He manages to back away from them. They notice the bodies in the room with them have been completely drained.
Report Date
19 Aug 2023