Session 16 / 17

General Summary

Sixteen/Seventeen: Heist Time
  (Holocomm transmission opens with a familiar protocol droid, you recognize it as the translator droid for Urpa Tin)
  “The illustrious Urpa Tin is greatly displeased that you have not fulfilled your end of the deal. The Great Upra Tin has been made aware of your presence on Tibrin, and that you owe the Hutt Clan a hefty sum of credits. It is clear that you require incentive to honor your commitments. (A large red skinned Devaronian is brought into the hologram, he looks injured. Tar immediately recognizes him as Ulag.)
  There is an Imperial transport train moving an artifact of great interest to the Intellectual Urpa Tin. You will retrieve this artifact.
  Completion will clear your debts. Failure will have consequences. (Out of frame, a electro-staff tazes Ulag before the call ends). Urpa Tinn does provide some specifics - which train, when/where.
  Tar explains the Devaronian, Ulag, is his adoptive father and mentor.
  Cale sets off charges and blasts some of the trains of the cars, which slows it down enough for Mir, Tar, and Maeve to approach the rear and board the train on speeder bikes. Cale, Richter, and Jolder board via their jet packs toward the front of the train.
  Mir questions a trooper and finds out the artifacts are in car 4 or 5, guarded by an elite squad or troopers (blue and orange). Encounter Kyber Troopers and find chests of Kyber crystals. Everyone gathers as many crystals as possible, Richter carrying a full chest. The group assumes these are the items Urpa Tinn has requested.
  The group manages to escape with a large quantity of the crystals, escaping on the speeder bikes and landing in the streets below. Bob picksthe group up in the Eventide.
  Jolder had managed to get about 1 month of communications from the Empire. She uncovers information about her squad being held as prisoners on Coruscant (The Citadel). Jolder is familiar with the prison and knows there’s a way out. She also knows the crystals were bound for a facility on the Outer Rim, several shipments had been sent from multiple other locations. Code name: Maw. Coordinates not in the communications.
Report Date
19 Nov 2023