Session 18

General Summary

Eighteen: The Infiltration
  The group updates Urpa Tinn on the status of the mission and provides coordinates in an asteroid belt. End up with about 30 average size Kyber crystals extra. We board the pleasure barge and are escorted to Urpa Tinn. We deliver the crystals and Urpa provides Ulag in exchange. The protocol droid notifies us that our debt has been repaid. The droid informs the group, but specifically Maeve, that Urpa would pay a high price for Jedi artifacts. We return to the Eventide and make our way to Coruscant.
  Jolder checks on Cosa and her mom, mother is still in a coma. Has been about 1 month at this point. Jolder asks Maeve to reach out to Mara via the force. She reaches out with the force and tries to connect to Mara’s consciousness. It becomes apparent there are two consciousnesses. One of Mara’s, very dim in the darkness. But there is also a vast darkness trying to absorb and break the pinprick of light.
  Aware of something on edge of her own consciousness. Feel a draw toward a different area of the universe. May be able to narrow down location with more meditation.
  Maeve and Mir join their consciousnesses together to sever the dark drengir force enveloping Mara’s consciousness, successfully freeing her from the grasp of the matriarch.
  Having been touched by the matriarch's consciousness, Mir and Maeve are able to meditate and pinpoint the location of the matriarch. An old, large station, a dying star outside. Narrow it down to 4 possible locations.
  Nearing Coruscant, Jolder and Cale reveal one of the only ways to get into the prison is to be arrested. Jolder also knows that there are only 3 ways to exit. Through the warden and office area, through the hangar (which is guarded, blaster cannons), or through the garbage.
  The group updates the transponder code, new alias is Serenity. They arrive at Coruscant, the ship is scanned and given landing instructions.
  Jolder hacks into the communications and finds that her Mother is set to be executed in 1 week. Ulag suggests making a distraction, giving the Empire the idea that Mother dies.
  Ulag draws a rough blueprint of the prison. When the 1st level block is in the yard, the 2nd level block is working, they only interact at meal time, while one floor is working the cafeteria and the other is eating. He also suggests ventilation shafts will be our friends.
  The group goes out and manages to get arrested. They awake in a cell, and can feel the shuttle flying through the air.
  Jolder learns that Mother is on the 1st floor from her cellmate.
  There are 3-4 seeker droids that patrol the space. No human/trooper guards so far. Uniformed officer in the distance walks across a catwalk into an office.
Report Date
17 Dec 2023