Session 19

General Summary

Nineteen: The Prison Break
  Jolder meets with her mother on the serving line, mom sneaks an item into her food. A Gammorran gets annoyed with Jolder taking so long, and Jolder initiates a fight. A crowd gathers, Mir instigates more fighting, and Richter joins Jolder in the fray.
  Maeve frees Cale from his cell as alarms begin sounding, the turrets begin to boot up, and a squadron is dispatched to the detention area. The group flees to the showers where Cale had previously noticed a loose panel. They escape into some tunnels below, making their way to the trash compactor.
  Mother knows the way out and opens the correct door while the rest of the group raids the storage room and sets some generators to blow up. Maeve follows down the exit hallway only to encounter the inquisitor the group has met before. The Inquisitor activates a shield, locking the rest of the party out and duels Maeve until he runs away (again!).
  The prison begins to fall from the sky as the Eventide picks the group up.
  Jolder and Richter approach Mom and get chastised for ruining their own escape plans. Mom explains the other half of her emergency signal explained they had things in hand to escape. Richter tries to smooth things over with a hug, and gets tased. She reveals the three they rescued are all that’s left of the squad.
  Maeve and Mir feel something on the edge of their awareness, somewhere near Maeve’s room. They enter the room and don’t see anything off. Maeve pulls out the Jedi holocron but can’t find the Sith holocron. Mir asks where it could be or who knew about it, Maeve explains only Cale knew she had them. They search Cale’s room and find nothing. As they continue to search, Cosa walks by looking for her mom.
  They scan for life signs and find one in the salon pod on the lower deck. The group heads there and everything is dark. They find Mara in the fetal position in a corner and the Sith Holocron is open and hovering but there is not a hologram of Darth Carnassus. The Force feels dampened.
  Maeve asks “Mara, what did you do?” and hears the sound of many voices, “Mara’s not here.”
  Maeve tries to recover the holocron but gets a flash of an eyeless skull in her mind and hears a familiar voice say, “I wouldn’t do that, Master.”
  In another corner, they see the desiccated image of Mez. He appears as if he’s been shredded, fur matted, clothes tattered. Maeve turns on Mara and sees Mara rise, wearing the mask - eyes full of fear behind it.
Report Date
07 Jan 2024