Session 20

General Summary

Twenty: Hunger
  The ship is ripped out of hyperspace into the orbit of a giant red star. As Maeve, Mir, and Cale recover their footing, Mara and the Sith Holocron are gone from the room. Mez is still in the corner. Mir tries to touch him and plant vines reach out to attempt to wrap around his hands. Maeve tries to cut off the force surrounding Mez without success.
  Mir is placed into a starry void and faced with a copy of himself. The “Mir” that he was.
  Cale is faced against a vine-riddled Mez. Cale asks what he wants, and Mez replies that he wants to feed. Cale tries to reason with drengir-Mez but realizes he’s fully possessed by the Drengir. Cale flees and tries to lock Mez in the room but Mez tears through the door.
  Tar and Richter encounter Mez, attracting his attention. He attacks Richter but Cale intervenes to draw his attention.
  Maeve regains consciousness under a blue and orange sky, in a grassy field. She sees a spire that looks like a jedi temple. She approaches it and notices the planet is very peaceful. When she arrives at the temple she realizes it’s well taken care of. She sees figures in robes, discussing something. She realizes how different she looks from them, dark, tattered, and tired comparatively. She explores the temple to find a meditation chamber. She sits to meditate. Despite the peacefulness of her surroundings, she can’t find her center and still finds herself on guard against potential dangers, and still feels darkness tugging at her on the edges. She paces the room like a caged animal.
  Mir is still faced with his well-kept, scholarly self from the Jal Shey Order. He asks about his chance of returning to this version of himself and is met with some disdain from his copy. He realizes the Jal Shey library they’re now in is too pristine to be the one he is familiar with on Matau. The copy hands Mir a data pad.
  Cale continues his game of cat and mouse with Mez. He notices a Weequay trying to peer to look for Mez. Cale gets his attention and motions for him to be quiet and leave the area. Cale throws a grenade into another room to draw Mez’s attention away, then finds a hardwired commlink to tell everyone to abandon ship.
  Tar grabs his gear from his room and heads to the salon pod to try and initiate an escape. He discovers the clamps are jammed and it’s not a viable path off the ship. He then activates the battle droids and orders them to fight the big cat guy with the laser sword.
  Jolder collects Bob and Cosa and begins working to evacuate them.
  Richter encounters the Drengir stalking Jolder, Cosa, and Bob - avoiding a strike from its vines. He gets its attention to draw it away as Jolder torches it with her flamethrower.
  Cale continues his efforts to distract Mez and draw him away. He notices a faint red glow as he prepares a breaching charge to pursue Mez. He turns to look at the glow and finds the Sith Holocron open and floating in the room. He manages to grab the holocron and makes another call to abandon ship.
  Maeve leaves the meditation chamber and heads to the archives, searching for the holocron of Master Bakku. They don’t have it but instead Maeve asks for information on force sensitive plant life. She begins to leave in frustration. The archivist offers assistance. He reveals he’s heard of Maeve before and indicates this is the Dantooine temple. She asks to be taken to the rarest item in the archives. He leads her to the mask of Darth Nihilus, he reveals it was found on Korriban centuries ago. She tries to explain she’d found the mask on Raxus Prime but he only seems confused by her claims. He recommends she visit the echo pillars. She begins to make her way.
  Mir is attempting to decipher the diagrams of the datapad presented to him by his copy. They become more jumbled as he puts more effort into understanding them. His copy indicates that tools blunt over time…. and asks what they need to do when things get blunt. The copy points out Mir’s mind has become blunt and it may take something drastic to sharpen it. The copy informs Mir that an Archivist lives in the outer rim, in the Eadu System, and might be able to sharpen his mind again. The copy also states that Mir should consider a different medium, as what’s not written in stone is easily lost.
  Richter, Jolder, and Bob continue to fight the Drengir. Cosa has climbed out of the crawlspace to help remove vines from things as gravity shifts sideways.
  Tar is stabbed by Mez. Tar stuffs a flash mine into Mez’s mouth as he pushes away. Jolder releases a flurry of incendiary missiles at Mez while Richter scoops up Tar. Mez still stands and begins to stalk his prey again. Cosa insists she needs to get the ship running, explaining the salon pod isn’t powerful enough to escape the orbit of the star. Cale continues his efforts to draw Mez’s attention away from the others.
  Maeve arrives at the Echo Pillars, feeling the focus of the force. She imagines separating her memories and experiences into separate Jedi and Sith holocrons, separating them. She awakens in the salon pod to see Mara, with the mask on, eyes wide in fear. Maeve shields herself in force immunity and removes the mask from Mara’s face.
  Mir deciphers the diagram to reveal the deck plans of the Eventide. His copy helps reveal to him that fear is what’s clouding his mind - fear of losing those who he cares about and his intact mind. Cosa states someone needs to detonate something in the engine well and Richter volunteers.
  Cale continues to draw Mez’s ire. He sees Mez realize Mara’s presence is back on his radar, Mez dashes toward the Salon Pod. Cale pursues him.
  Mir and Maeve collect the mask, incapacitate Mara, and begin to rush to the airlock as Mez turns the corner. Mez acquires the mask and places it on his face. Maeve lashes an animated saber at him but it stops short of his neck. The ship drifts closer to the star as the others are still attempting to fix the engine. Richter reaches the engine well and prepares the charges.
  Mir attempts to grab the mask as Maeve attacks again with the animated weapon. Tendrils of smoke move from Mir’s body into Mez’s. A deeper voice than the Drengirs’ exclaims, “I hunger. I have not fed in eons.” Mir phase-walks back towards Maeve. They flee for the airlock, luring Mez to chase them.
  They approach the airlock, Maeve attempting to lure him into the airlock. Instead, Mezilus grips her with his power and begins to drain her life. Mir tries to help but is struck with force lightning. Richter sets the charges while Cosa and Jolder get closer to getting the engine started.
  Cale manages to suppress his fear and strides to the hopeless scene of his friends being defeated. He tackles Mez and activates his rocketboots, propelling both of them into the airlock - slamming the door shut. Cale hits the airlock and launches Mez and himself into space, hurtling toward the sun. He watches the ship reignite as he continues to drift. He sends the group one last communication, “It had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.” He notices the shadows of the mask dissipate from Mez’s face, as his friend nods to him in recognition of what had to be done, acknowledging their fate.
Report Date
18 Feb 2024