Session 5

General Summary

Five: The Hydra   The group makes several attempts to find Catjodo, a local bounty, but she evades them. They do, however, collect a few smaller bounties along the way and recover an employee badge for the TIE production facility. They next pursue the bounty for Tho Prid, who runs a large gang in the slums. The group manages to deceive and bribe their way into the warehouse the gang is residing. They buy some droids from a shopkeeper in the warehouse and discover where the speeder bikes are being kept. Maeve “convinces” the guards to let them into Tho Prid’s office, and Cale intimidates him into giving the group the speeder bikes, 8,000cr, and a droid.     After retiring to The Eventide for the evening, Mir crawls through the ducts and witnesses Mez in a fit of despair and frustration, opening the intact Sith Holocron he’d recovered in the temple. While Mez doesn’t understand the language the Holocron reveals, he does learn a dark side ability from it.     The group takes another bounty job, this one simply to help the town of Magni on Desevro with a beast that has been harassing their harvesting efforts. Upon arriving, they learn that the attacks have been made by lizard-like creatures and there have been reports of a Hydra in the area. They meet with a Talz named Femto, who explains this had happened about 100 years ago. At that time, the Jedi had attempted to resolve the issue, managing to run the creature off, but not killing it. She agrees to guide us to the area where the creature had been seen. During the discussions she reveals that she is sensitive with the force and can sense Force-auras – mentioning that Mir’s is gray, Maeves is blue, and Mez’s is red.     In the morning, the group sets out with Femto as their guide. When they arrive at the reported location, they find tracks and further evidence of a very large creature: trees ripped from the ground, broken in half; along with a putrid, sickly-sweet odor. They rest at an outpost for the night and head out again the next morning. They come across a clearing that contains seemingly abandoned crates of berries and the Hydra attacks – some members notice Femto step into the woods right as it arrives. After a grueling battle, the group defeats the Hydra, with Mez unleashing a dark side power and rampaging against the corpse beyond the last sign of life.     The group manages to harvest 9 yards of hydra skin, the hydra poison gland, and further evidence of their defeat of the beast. Additionally, they find a damaged lightsaber in the field with an intact Kyber crystal. The group returns to the Magni, informing them of Femto’s betrayal and the abandoned crates of berries. They search Femto’s hovel before leaving, find a stone tablet with the established dated of the town, which seems thousands of years old.
Report Date
09 Oct 2022