Session 6

General Summary

Six: The Raid   The group returns to Lianna, now able to afford weapon additions to The Eventide. They arrange for the upgrades to be made and a crew arrives to get them underway.     Mir approaches Maeve, concerned about Mez’s recent actions. He asks if anything can be done for their friend and offers his assistance if needed. Mez hides in the engine room, finding it difficult to face his companions.     While Cale searches for a secure place to hide the mask from the temple, he overhears some of the crew discuss informing the Empire of the Jedi on board. He searches for them but realizes that the nearest crew members are too far away from him to have been heard. One of the weapons detaches and nearly crushes a worker. He helps one of the larger crew members lift the weapon so the other worker can escape. Cale realizes the large worker is a former Clone Trooper, who introduces himself as 8008, but goes by Bob.     Jolder, overhearing Cale & Bob’s conversation about the broken crane, offers to fix it. She approaches the crane to find the power cells are gone and manages to replace them and fix the crane. In further conversation with the former Trooper, he reveals that he now gets by doing whatever work he can find while pursuing his real passion – his performance art. At the urging of his crew, he performs a song.     Hearing the singing from the engine room, Mez attempts to run toward the performance, enraged. Mir and Maeve stop him and calm him enough to explain what he did and ask about why he would react that way. The others approach the commotion and it’s revealed that Bob was present when Mez’s former Master was killed. Mez accuses Bob of being responsible, but Bob explains he was not responsible and is willing to discuss the matter further later, after the work crew has left.     Maeve confronts Mez about his actions. She urges him not to give in to the temptation of the dark side, reminding him how dire things are now that so few Jedi are even alive. She explains the Empire can’t be defeated without him, and he agrees to steel himself for the task.     When Bob returns later, he tells the group what happened. He explained that the Jedi don’t understand what the order did to the Clone Troopers, describing it as a whisper telling you to do what you must do. While some didn’t question it at the time, they still realized what they did later. He isn’t sure how he resisted; he just recognized it was wrong. He believes the Jedi were capable of defending themselves. He claimed that Clone Troopers later realized they were being used and that it wasn’t just killing the Jedi that got to them, but other things. Bob supported the Republic but thinks the Jedi should have questioned the army that was given to them.     Bob also reveals that there are Jedi who work for the Empire, hunting other Jedi with their red lightsabers. Mez admits he’d heard of the Empire using assassins but was not aware they used lightsabers. Bob goes on to speculate that whoever made the order to kill the Jedi knew that they were fragmented and alone, too spread out to survive it. Bob appears willing to join an organized effort against the Empire and agrees to join the crew of The Eventide as long as Mir keeps brewing his signature SaltShine™. Upon Mez’s inquiry, Bob also reveals that Commander Brody is a Colonel in the ISB and will not have forgotten the padawan that escaped him. Mez crosses Bob’s name off a list on his data pad.     The next day, the group visit’s Juniper’s Parts to find that the door has been busted and the shop tossed. Yuri informs them that he’d had a bad night. Three of his informants had been picked up by Imperials and are being held at an asteroid base. They need to be rescued or eliminated. He says that Jor Vam is the biggest problem, that it’s imperative that he isn’t broken. The group acquires frag charges, Imperial uniforms, and an additional droid from Yuri before heading to the asteroid base.     The group storms the asteroid base, managing to free Yuri’s informants. They also manage to find the week’s security codes for the TIE Fighter base. They plant charges to cripple the base, then make their way to leave. They encounter a Sith Inquisitor during their escape.     Yuri is grateful for the rescue of his informants and pays the group 15,000cr.
Report Date
30 Oct 2022