Session 7

General Summary

Seven: The Uprising   After the events of the raid on Imperial Outpost D416, the group notices that there is a stronger presence of corpo security and Imperial troopers around Lianna. They have been holding interrogations at random to try to find the culprits. Jolder, Mez, and Mir meet with the Santhe contact, Cormaxi Pingold. She explains that in order to preserve Santhe’s hegemony of Imperial weapons production, she needs a group to make sure that the supplies for Karrel’s project on Deservo doesn’t make it’s destination. She tells them that the equipment is being delivered on a ship called The Disciple. She emphasizes there should be no witnesses and is willing to pay 60,000 credits to see the job done discreetly.   Cale and Maeve infiltrate the TIE production facility, while Tar keeps watch from above it. Maeve remains under force camouflage as Cale makes his way through the crowd of people at the gate. And older gentleman is causing a scene with corpo security, pleading to see his son who has not returned after being called for work at the facility in a week. Cale exploits the scene to move past security, as troopers arrive on the scene to arrest and assault the old man – possibly killing him.   Cale makes his way to the 4th floor of the facility, Maeve following closely. They explore the level, garnering information from two R&D rooms specific to project Balefire. Cale is able to collect a significant amount of information on the project. As they leave engine R&D department, they notice they are being followed by an R2 droid. When confronting the droid, it leads them to a room that contains a prototype of the new TIE Bomber. The bomber has several panels open and Maeve plants a demolition charge inside it. The R2 droid bumps into the GNK droid, revealing a suspicious panel. After examining the cockpit, they leave, managing to make it out of the facility and back to the Eventide. The mysterious R2 droid goes its own way.   Cale makes contact with Yuri and the group meets him at a cantina to deliver the details on the TIE bombers. Yuri is frazzled from having to deal with some of the fallout from the outpost raid. He laments that security and identification checks are now overly frequent, making things very difficult for him. He also alludes to disappearances from the TIE facility and that he even heard an ISB colonel had arrived to investigate. He reveals that the demolition charge Cale bought from him is likely to be very unstable and explode if the prototype bomber were shot at. He also mentions it’s no longer possible to extract the group through Rebel means and that they should find their way off Lianna soon. Part of the group sets up along the flight path of the prototype bomber, readying for a concussive detonation of the demolition charge hidden inside. Tar successfully makes the shot, sending the TIE bomber spiraling into the very facility it had birthed from. They radio the Eventide, urging the crew to prepare for takeoff.   Meanwhile, Mir had snuck off into the slums of Lianna to visit the local cantinas. Witnessing the unrest, he is swept up into the frustrations of the crowds and gives a rousing speech – imploring the citizens defend their rights against the Empire and corporations. His words incite riots across the city and the crowds begin moving toward the TIE facility to deliver the type of justice that can only be demanded from desperate and oppressed citizens.   As the crew of the Eventide is waiting for the ship to be refueled, a smaller mob approaches, seemingly set on taking the ship. When they encroach upon the ship, they find Bob refueling it and abandon their plans. Mir gives another stirring speech, working the group into a frenzy as a group of troopers arrive to corral them and stop the Eventide from disembarking. The crowd advances to the troopers, overrunning them with more ease than expected for a group armed only with their work tools.   The Eventide takes off, pursued by a group of TIE fighters. Jolder’s intense and erratic piloting allows them to evade much of the onslaught, while Mir and Mez release their own wrath upon the fighters with the laser cannons. Maeve cannot do math. Cale takes over and the ship jumps away from Lianna.   Before moving on to their next leads, the group decides to complete the job for Cormaxi Pingold. They manage to track The Disciple and convince it to let them board. After some persuasion from Cale, the very small crew agrees to abandon the ship, claiming a catastrophic failure. Cale navigates The Disciple to crash so the equipment doesn’t reach Karral’s site on Deservo. Cormaxi is satisfied enough to deliver her payment for the job.   The group discusses their next action and agrees they would like to try to rendezvous with Jolder’s rebel cell. She makes contact and is informed that a large part of the cell has been dispatched to assist Mandalore in their fight against the Empire. The group may join them there, but Jolder is awaiting more information. In the meantime, Mir mentions a Jal Shey library on Mataou, where he hopes to reconnect with his order. While Maeve hasn’t taken Mir too seriously as an academic up to this point, she realizes now that he might hold some significant information to assist with her last assigned mission before the Jedi were wiped out. She inquires about the nature of his visit to Raxus Prime to discover that he was also sent there to find an artifact. He has not been back to the library in at least a decade, but claims he knows where it is located.   The Eventide lands in a secluded gulch and the group heads to the nearest town, Drywatch Enclave.
Report Date
20 Nov 2022