
The glowing, spiraling blue tunnel of hyperspace gave way to bright white lines of stars, shortening with a dull thud as they came into focus. On the shuttle's small bridge the pair of grey uniformed pilots checked their readouts and systems, glancing out the viewport at the newly materialized green-blue orb and its pair of moons. As the sublight thrusters came to life, urging the massive cargo shuttle forward, the copilot reached forward to the comm, hailing the planet below. The pale blue hologram of an Imperial Officer came to life on the dash.   "Bakura Station, Shuttle Z-1587 for landing. Transmitting clearance codes now."   The Imperial Officer waited for a moment as the codes transmitted. "Shuttle Z-1587, clearance codes accepted. Proceed to landing pad three."   The four-winged cargo shuttle descended into the atmosphere, flying over the pristine and sprawling capital of Salis D'aar. The city's concentric rings and shining white buildings, brilliantly lit by the golden sun in the mid-afternoon light, rose high above the tall tree tops surrounding the city. Roof top gardens, wide boulevards filled with lines of air speeder traffic, and the comings and goings of millions of inhabitants dotted the city. The shuttle veered right , merging into the military skylane high above the city as it aimed towards its destination; the Imperial base, built into the highest peak overlooking the crown jewel of Bakura: the Arden Repulsorlift Plant. The dark black, subdued greys, and red highlights of the military outpost was in stark contrast to the white city below. The base bristled with turbolaser installations, and dual hangars that housed row upon row of TIE fighters and a score of AT-ST walkers.    The shuttle pilot expertly maneuvered the massive bulk of the cargo shuttle, landing gently on the central pad in front of the base's single large control tower. The pilot began to perform his landing checks, as the copilot moved down into the cargo bay to begin the unloading procedures. He dropped down the ladder from the upper floor, turning around and starting as he came face to face with the imposing form of a blue, orange, and white armored trooper. The troopers armor was that of a shoretrooper, but heavily modified. Their visors were more reflective, making it impossible to see the eyes of the wearer. Their helmets gave the visage of a white skull, framed by the bright blue sky and with orange 'bags' beneath the eyes. Their strange crest adorned their armor, like an offset gleam of a crystal. He wore a brown hooded cloak over his armor, both it and the armor worn and partially frayed from exposure. The armor itself showed rust and heavy weathering, not at all like the pristine armor of other troopers. On his back two large electro-batons were strapped to the bandolier he wore across his chest. All in all, he looked like a predator of some unnatural world. He had forgotten they were on here. "So..sorry. We've landed." he said sheepishly, the trooper not responding. He continued to stand in place, holding the heavily modified E-11D blaster at a low-ready across his chest. The copilot squeezed past the trooper, trying his best to not incur the wrath of him or his five other comrades on the shuttles. They gave him the creeps.    With a loud ka-thunk and a series of hisses the cargo ramp dropped opening to the wide open port of the base. Waiting was a platoon of stormtroopers, and another squad of the blue, orange, and white armored troopers. The copilot moved out of their way as they marched onto the ramp. As pairs they began one by one to offload the heavy durasteel crates, turning on their repulsorlifts and directing them down the ramp. They escorted each crate, the stormtrooper platoon following as the last crate moved out of the shuttle. The copilot let out a sigh of relief - he hated dealing with the Khyber Troopers. He reached over to the control panel, raising the ramp and hitting the comm, "They're done. We can go hit the pickup at the plant and get out of here." The engines slowly roared to life, the shuttle raising off the pad and away to the factory below. Before the pilot turned the ship away from the imperial base, he saw the troopers disappearing with their cargo into the durasteel fortress.    As the shuttle flew away and over the Repulsorlift plant, the copilot spotted the ancient Noble houses on either side, built into or on the mountainsides and framed with the eloquent pale yellow namana trees whose colorful blossoms accentuated the tan stonework and green foliage that made the complexes of the most wealthy of Bakura's inhabitants. As they began to descend they passed close to the Arden House, its windows gleaming in the light even more so then the quartz outcropping it rested upon, surrounded on either side by the East and West rivers that fell as impressive waterfalls to the confluence below. Several flying droids worked to trim and care for the ancient Namana trees in the house's lower garden, impressive on Bakura given their...misgivings...about droids.    The shuttle descended past the Arden House, merging into the industrial skylane of the factory below. Despite its industrial nature even the factory itself was beautifully constructed, only showing its true purpose in its size, scale, and the occasional glimpse at the network of pipes and conduits running between buildings. Its divided lanes and alleys were rivers of workers, carts, and speeders as material and crates moved here and there, hidden by the occasional burst of steam from an outlet valve or the overhead conduits. The shuttle came into landing at the freight port, ramp dropping as they touched down. Crate upon crate and a team of workers awaited them, swiftly beginning to load their cargo onto the shuttle. The lead teamster, a large Kurtzen of the planet's native, but relatively small, population, approached the copilot who was supervising the loading.    "Here you go sir. All the paperwork is in there." the Kurtzen said, handing a datapad to him.   The copilot took the datapad, glancing over the manifest. Several crates of repulsorlifts. Beneath the pad, he palmed the datacard the Kurtzen had subtley slipped along with it. The copilot signed the datapad with its stylus, before handing it back. "Thank you..." he looked back at the datapad, making sure he seemed unfamiliar with the Kurtzen, "...Mr. R-is-ah." The Kurtzen winced at the mispronunciation, but did not correct him. "We should be done shortly."    "See too it that you are." The copilot said harshly, before turning away to continue monitoring the loading process.    The loading process took only a few moments - the team was quite skilled at it, despite refusing to use droids. The shuttle once again rose into the air, this team heading upwards towards space. "You've got this right? I want to make sure we're all tied down in the hold." The copilot asked, the pilot nodding in response. The copilot moved down to the hold, checking the locking brackets of the crates and strapping, slowly moving between them. He glanced back at the ladder, making sure he was alone. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the datacard he had been given and slotted it into a datapad. He decrypted it quickly, the pad coming to life with a series of schematics. It was for a repuslorlift array, but this one was bigger than anything he had seen. He scrolled through the few available drawings and details, little in the way of its actual use or reasoning being available. This was strictly a design requirement, and attached to it was an order - nearly the entire capacity of the Arden plant, and then some.    Hearing the approaching footsteps of the pilot, he quickly pulled the datacard, shoving it back into his pocket.