The Fall of the Republic

"How widespread is this?" "Ahsoka, it's all of us. The entire Grand Army of the Republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."―Ahsoka Tano and Rex     Order 66 would turn the Clones against the Jedi, killing almost every Jedi Master, Knight, and Padawan across the galaxy in a short span of time. Chancellor Palpatine seized power immediately following the event, reorganzing the Republic into the First Galactic Empire and appointing himself as the new Emperor, ruling with extreme and ultimate power across the galaxy. Darkness would fall, and the surviving Jedi would go into hiding - now a myth and a distant memory to many. The Empire would rule with an iron fist, conquering and crushing any who would resist. As more descent and unrest spread, the Empire would grow its military might to match, prefering to rule through fear and strength.