Unknown Mask

A large, dark altar hidden deep in the ancient ruins underneath the Junk Temple. At its center is a small pedestal, with a small object shimmering in the darkness in its cradle. Above is a a large statue depicting some ancient warrior, adorned in dark robes and wearing an antlered mask of its own. Surrounded and illuminated by green alchemical fire, written on the walls in a dark reddish brown pigment are the words "The Lord of Hunger shall Rise Again".   -------------------------------------------   Following the events in the library, Master Maev put the mask on in the hopes of taking away her feelings and pain, and nearly killed Mez in the process. She was saved by quick action on Mez's part, slicing the mask with his lightsaber and allowing Maev to forcefully remove it and overcome the dark entity within. She dropped it on the ground, smashing it as she did and leaving it behind in the world between worlds.
Current Holder