Jaing Skirata
These stats represent Jaing Skirata Circa 10 BBY.
Dex: 3D
Armour Weapons: 6D+2
Blaster: 7D+2
Dodge: 7D
Brawling Parry: 6D
Grenade: 5D+2
Missile Weapons: 5D
Vehicle Blasters: 6D+2
Know: 3D
Intimidation: 6D+1
Survival: 5D+2
Tactics: 6D
Tactics: Clone Commandos: 8D
Tactics: Advanced Recon Commandos: 9D+1
Mech: 3D
Ground Vehicle Operation: 5D+1
Hover Vehicle Operation: 5D+2
Jet Pack Operation: 6D
Repulsorlift Operation: 6D+1
Starship Gunnery: 6D+2
Starship Shields: 7D
Space Transports: 7D+2
Walker Operation: 5D+1
Perc: 3D
Command: 5D
Command: Clone Troopers: 7D+1
Command: Clone Commandos: 8D+1
Con: 8D+2
Hide: 5D+2
Search: 7D
Sneak: 8D+1
Str: 3D
Brawling: 6D+1
Climbing/Jumping: 6D+2
Stamina: 6D+2
Swimming: 5D+2
Tech: 3D
Armour Repair: 5D+2
Blaster Repair: 5D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 7D
Demolitions: 7D
First Aid: 6D
First Aid; Clone Commandos: 8D
First Aid; Advanced Recon Commandos: 8D+2
Security: 11D
Move: 10
Size: 1.83 meters tall
Force Sensitive: No
Special Abilities: Eidetic Memory
2 DC-17 Blaster Pistols 5D
DC-15A Blaster Rifle 5D+2
WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle 5D+2
4 Grenades 5D
Model: Mandalorian Heavy Battle Armour
Type: personal battle armour
Cost: not for sale
Availability: nearly unique
Game Effects:
basic suit: +4D phys, +3D energy, no DEX penalties. Head, torso and arms
Wrist Lasers: 5D damage, 3-5/25/50m range. Both forearms. Armour Weapons skill
Flame Projector: 5D damage, 1m diameter, 1-5m long. Left forearm. Armour Weapons skill.
Grenade Launcher: 1-50/200/300m, 4 shots. Damage varies with grenade type. Fire Rate: 1/2. Uses Missile Weapons skill.
Turbo-Projected Grapple: Uses either a physical or magnetic grapple. 0-3/10/20m range. Mounted on the right arm. Missile Weapons skill.
Winch: Attached to grapple, has 100kg capacity (wearer and his equipment).
IR/motion Sensor: +1D PERC in darkness and/or against moving targets, ahead and to both sides.
Sensor Pod: +2D Search, 25-100m
Macrobinoculars: +3D Search, 100-500m
Sound Sensor: +1D PERC in quiet situations only.
Broadband Antenna: Can intercept and decode most communications frequencies. Can patch into shipboard and vehicular communications systems.
Environmental Filter: Filters out most harmful particles from the air, or can seal with two hours of air.
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