Galactical Timeline

Before Battle of Yavin

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  • -1000 BBY

    The Great Peace of the Republic

    Begin of the Great peace of the republic. With the Brotherhood of the Sith defeated and Darth Bane secretly establishing the Rule of Two the Galaxy is in peace.   Events

    Chancellor Tarsus Valorum presides over the Ruusan Reformation, which dismantles the Republic's central authority, abolishing the Republic's standing armed forces and reorganizing its millions of sectors into 1,024 regional sectors, each represented by a single Senator.   The Republic Dark Age comes to an end. The last of the Rakata die out.

  • -738 BBY

    Mandalorian Excision
    Military action

    The Mandalorian Excision of 738 BBY—known to Mandalorian natives as the Dral'Han, or the Annihilation—was a brief but brutal conflict that saw the devastation of Mandalorian Space at the hands of the Galactic Republic.   read more

    Following the Republic's enactment of the Ruusan Reformations in 1000 BBY, the Mandalorian people experienced a growth in technological prowess and military power, but they refused to join the Republic due to their traditional warrior ways. Alarmed by the rising threat of the Mandalorians, the Jedi Order organized the Republic's Judicial Forces and Planetary Security Forces in a preemptive strike on Mandalorian Space. The Mandalorians had no hope of winning a war against the Republic and suffered greatly in the resulting battles, with a number of planets including Concord Dawn, Ordo, Fenel, and Mandalore itself crippled by bombardment. The damage lasted for centuries, with entire sections of Mandalorian worlds remaining barren deserts.   Following the Excision, the Republic disarmed and occupied Mandalorian Space, installing a provisional government to oversee sectoral affairs. The Mandalorians preserved their distinctive culture, as well as their resentment of the Republic and the Jedi who had defeated them, while rebuilding the worlds that the war had left scarred. The Excision led to the formation of the pacifistic New Mandalorians, who prevailed over the warrior clans in many areas of governmental operation and society, becoming the new rulers of Mandalore. Nevertheless, many unrepentant warriors continued their traditional practices, eventually leading to the formation of such splinter groups as the Death Watch. The schism in ideology ensured that further conflict would ensue, as it did well into the time of the Clone Wars.

  • -21 BBY


    Clone Wars
    Military action

    Begin of the war between the Republic and the CIS. The so called Clone wars.

  • -19 BBY


    Order 66
    Military action

    With chancellor Palpatine officially announcing the Jedi Order planned to take over the Republic he declared any member of it as Enemy of the state. The given Order 66 instructed every Clone Soldier to attack the Jedi, basically resulting in the destruction and elimination of the Jedi Order.

  • -19 BBY


    Defeat of CIS
    Military action

    With the Death of Count Dooku, General Grievous and the Separatis Council on Mustafar, the Republic is victorious over the CIS.

  • -19 BBY


    Luke & Leia

    Birth of Luke & Leia Skylwalker. Last one adopted by Bail Organa, raising her as Leia Organa.

  • -19 BBY

    -15 /-4

    Rise of Vader

    Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader.

  • -19 BBY


    Galactic Empire
    Political event

    The Declaration of a New Order: Palpatine formally reorganizes the Republic into the Galactic Empire, with himself as Emperor.

  • -19 BBY

    Galactic Empire Imperialization

    The newly-formed Galactic Empire begins the process of imperializing the galaxy.

  • -10 BBY

    Second Great Droid Revolution

    The Second Great Droid Revolution was a short-lived and unsuccessful droid revolt on Coruscant in 10 BBY. The cyborg Archa Sabis uploaded a virus into the droid population which caused several police cruisers and EVS Construction droids to rebel against their sentient masters. Following the suppression of the rising, the Galactic Empire was able to exploit anti-droid sentiment.

After Battle of Yavin

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  • 0 ABY

    Oversector Outer
    Political event

    Grand Moff Ardus Kaine took over the position of Tarkin and became the new Grand Moff ruling the Oversector Outer containing almost all of the Outer rim.

  • 0 ABY

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    Battle of Yavin
    Military action

    The Death Star was destroyed by the Rebel Alliance. Grand Moff Tarkin died. Begin of a new Era.