Chapter 1: Encounter 2: Into the Deep

You have one pissed off Jawa on your hands. He is inconsolable over the loss of his prized droid Deesee; anything other than a large sum of money or repairing the droid to the functionality level it was before he entrusted you with it, is the only thing he will agree to. Attempts at using Jedi Mind tricks on him have not worked. He is so overwhelmed with emotion that his mind cannot be manipulated. Moreover, the Jedi's waving their hands around and making demands only angers Empideera. He has threatened to stop the Jawas that are working if the heroes cannot find a solution. He has given the heroes until dark to figure out how they will solve the problem. What do you do?  

Repair the Droid

One of you attempts to Repair the droid.   Roll Repair vs DC 40   Success: You noticed that the wiring between the Droid's Protocol processor and the Fusion generator was done incorrectly and fix the problem, along with most of the damage to the inner circuits. The worst has been repaired.   Roll Repair to Repair the Rest   DC 23 You take four hours to repair the droid DC 28 You take three hours to repair the droid DC 33 You take two hours to repair the droid   Failure: You were unsuccessful in repairing the droid.   Failure Effect 1st Fail The circuitry begins to make a crackling noise and starts to smoke a little. You disconnect the power source immediately and it stops. 2nd Fail The droid makes a crackling sound again, but when you disconnect the power source, it doesn't stop. Roll Int Check vs DC 15. See next table for results 3rd Fail The droid has caught fire! You manage to put the fire out, but from what you can see, all the critical components have burned to a crisp. This includes Deesee's protocol processor. The only way to compensate Empideera for his losses now is to pay him or find something he would find more valuable than his droid.   Roll INT Check vs DC 15 Success: The fusion generator's power rod is wrecked. To repair Deesee you need to find a new one. Fail: You can't figure out what the problem is and the droid begins to let out black smoke. You can remove the protocol processor or try to Repair Deesee again.  

Search the Area

You attempt to search the area for some clues, or materials.   Roll Search vs DC 20   Success: Searching in the surrounding area has given you many resources. Of them are metal scraps, wires, and bits and pieces from the ship that you can use to fix the droid if you so desired to. Failure: You fail to see anything that would be of help.  


Suddenly you hear a loud bang.   You can see from the derelict ship that two Jawas have cut away a huge piece of scrap from the ship and dropped it on top of a smaller pile of scraps.     Spot vs DC 10   Success: You can see that there is a hole leading towards the inside of the ship. Perhaps there is something of value inside the ship?  

Enter the Ship

You walk towards the hole in the ship and look inside. It is pitch black save for the light coming from the entrance. You can see at least that at the far end that there is a door and that the corridor splits into two. One path leads to the left, and the other leads to the right. Closer to you is another door with an electronic panel for opening it.  

Try to Open the Closest Door

You try to open the door by pressing the panel. Nothing happens. Should a Jedi try to open the door by forcing it open, they can feel that the lightsaber goes through the door but with great resistance. Should they try to work the lightsaber through the entire door to force it open, night will have fallen and Empideera would leave them stranded in the Dune Sea as punishment for not holding up to their end of the bargain.  

Try to Open the Furthest Door in the Corridor

Like the previous door it does not respond. Should a Jedi try to open the door by forcing it open, they can feel that the lightsaber goes through the door but with great resistance. Should they try to work the lightsaber through the entire door to force it open, night will have fallen and Empideera would leave them stranded in the Dune Sea as punishment for not holding up to their end of the bargain.  

Turn Right

You turn right down the corridor and enter an area where the light cannot reach. It is pitch black. Igniting a lightsaber does little to help, the vision of those that wield an ignited lightsaber increases to 6 meters. As the heroes advance, there is a closed blast door at the end of the ship. There is a panel on the right side to open the blast doors. Attempting to operate it has no result. Against the wall, there is a window. Within view on the other side of the glass is pipes and wires that seem to lead up to the ceiling of this level from below.  

Turn Left

You turn left down the corridor and enter an area where the light cannot reach. It is pitch black. Igniting a lightsaber does little to help, the vision of those that wield an ignited lightsaber increases to 6 meters. The hallway is short and you can see a door on the left with a panel for opening the door. Trying to open it with the panel has no efffect. Attempting to force it open with a lightsaber would take too long, should a lightsaber wielder attempt to open the door with their weapon. Ahead of you, a blast door stands ajar. It is too dark to see why or how it wound up this way. The hallway ends with the path only leading to the right.  

Go Back

You return to the middle of the corridor with ease. The light from outside shines enough that it leads the way back to the center.  

Continue Straight On

After reaching a dead-end on the right side, you continue straight on over to the other side. It is just as dark as the right side. The hallway is shorter than the right side and you can see a door on the left with a panel for opening the door. Trying to open it with the panel has no efffect. Attempting to force it open with a lightsaber would take too long, should a lightsaber wielder attempt to open the door with their weapon. Ahead of you, a blast door stands ajar. It is too dark to see why or how it wound up this way. The hallway ends with the path only leading to the right.  

Level 3 Western Corridor

All hints of the light from the outside are gone as you advance further inside.   Roll Listen vs DC 15   Success: You hear something strange. Like something scratching metal. You can't quite pinpoint where it is coming from.   Crit: You look up and see a ferocious creature that you make eye contact with. It roar's and leaps to atack you!   Roll Reflex Saving Throw vs Katarn Jump   Failure: You hear nothing and continue moving forward.   As you advance, you see that there is a door to your right that is half open.  


As the heroes enter the room, the flooring and wall changes. It is made of tiles and there is the smell of grease and rotting food. This is most likely a kitchen or someplace where there is food.  



Return to the Corridor




Moutain of Sand


Level 2


It's coarse, and it gets everywhere


Level 2 Western Corridor


Mole Serpent Containment Door


Server Room 2


Stairs to Level 1


Level 1


Hyperdrive Room


Gunner Station


Engine Room


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