Combat Medic

The Mandalorian Medical Corps is a special Brigade skilled in bringing not death, but healing. Medics have nerves of durasteel and the ability to remain calm and collected under pressure. These brave men and women are vital in keeping their vode patched up while on the job or on the battlefield. Mandalorians treat each other as brothers and sisters and protecting each other not only preserves valuable resources but family members as well.    It is the Medic who acts as a bulwark against the meat grinder of war and stands shoulder to shoulder with their vode, defending the wounded and bringing them to safety. It takes nothing short of a Mandalorian Medic to perform life-saving surgery, surrounded by a sea of blaster fire and the heat of combat. They may make it their duty to save lives, but never underestimate their deadliness – they know the names of all your bones and exactly how to break them. The medic symbol on their armor is a welcome sight to many but can spell death for the unlucky.
Prerequisites: Treat Injury Rank 4 or higher, Surgery Feat

Can perform simple surgeries on the battlefield. +2 to all medical attempts.

A Mandalorian Combat Medic has seen the worst side of war. He or she is highly trained in stabilizing wounds and saving soldiers that would have otherwise died a dishonorable death. A combat medic can treat an unconscious player while in an encounter (combat).

If the player is dying (-1 to -9 wound points), the combat medic can roll a treat injury check (subtract the number of negative wound points from the check) vs DC 25 to bring the player back from the brink.

The player receives 1d10 wounds points if the check succeeds. If their wounds points are no longer negative, they are no longer unconscious.

The combat medic is flat-footed while treating a patient and can only revive one dying player per encounter.


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