Focusing Crystals

"The crystal is, by itself, the power source of the weapon. Like the Force user, the crystal is attuned to the Force. Without that attunement, the crystal is just a rock. And while a non-Force user could probably ignite and wield a lightsaber, the crystal is needed to be properly attuned to the Force. But for a Jedi, the lightsaber becomes more: it is a manifestation of a Jedi's connection to the Force." ―Jaden Korr
  A lightsaber crystal, also known as a kyber crystal was a variety of crystals, gems, stones, or other objects used as the energy source of a lightsaber.   At the heart of every lightsaber was a set of crystals that resonated to produce an efficient, powerful blade. While the most common crystals used in the process were from the Adega system, Ilum, and Dantooine (in the so-called Crystal Cave), Jedi and Sith used a variety of crystals to produce various colors, effects, and unique abilities. Some crystals could even enhance the Force skills of a particular user. Other gems, such as colored crystals or diamonds, were used exclusively for prismatic effects. However, not all lightsaber crystals were actually crystals. Plenty of Jedi or Sith used a different material or substance in place of a crystal, such as physical remains, shards of glass, and even special micro machinery.  

Adegan Crystals

The most common lightsabers crystals in the days of the Old Republic, Adegan crystals were harvested from the Outer Rim , specifically from the Adegan system in the Auril Sector. These crystals have been used by Jedi for thousands of years, and they come in a variety of colors. Before the discovery of Ilum, the vast majority of lightsaber crystals come from the Adegan system.   Table 1.1: Adegan Family Crystals
Crystal Damage Color Effect
Kathracite 2d8 VP, 1d3 WP Blue, Green Reduces the weapon's damage die type by one step; +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Relacite 2d8-2 Blue, Green -
Danite 2d8 Blue, Green -
Mephite 2d8+2 Blue, Green +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Pontite 2d8+4 Blue, Green, Purple Take no penalty on Persuasion checks against unfriendly or indifferent creatures.

Extremely Rare Crystals

Over the course of history, there have been several exceedingly rare crystals that have attained a certain amount of power and destiny, far beyond that of normal lightsaber crystals. These crystals have been at the center of galactic events and finding one has been the subject of many epic adventures over the ages. Some of these crystals are one-of-a-kind, like that of the Kaiburr Crystal Shard or the Ankarres Sapphire; others are simply so rare that finding one is an event worthy of being an individual hero's destiny.   Table 1.2: Various Lightsaber Crystals
Crystal Damage Color Effect (if any)
Ankarres Sapphire 2d8-2 Blue Improves one's healing ability while wielding the lightsaber by +5 in Force Healing Skills or +5 in Treat Injury related skills.
Aldarian Crystal 3d6-1 Blue, Teal, Yellow -
Barab ingot None N/A Lightsaber deals fire damage instead of Energy Damage. Must be paired with another crystal during lightsaber assembly.
Bondar Crystal 2d8-2 Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Purple The Lightsaber cannot kill enemies. Players using this crystal must roll against DC 15 for a successful stun to defeat an enemy with low health.
Compressed Crystal 2d8 Red Increases the difficulty of Block attempts.
Corusca Gem/Jewel 3d4-2 Royal Blue, Blue, Purple, Teal +1 die of damage against a target with Damage reduction.
Dantari Crystal 2d8 Varies Reflects the light or darkness within the wielder.
Djaj Crystal 2d6-2 Forest Green, Green, Blue +5 to Survival checks; You are less likely to be attacked by wild animals in the wilderness.
Dragite Crystal 2d8-2 Varies +1 die of damage on critical hits.
Durindfire Crystal 2d8-2 Silver Casts a glow as bright as a fusion lantern.
Firkraan Crystal None N/A Lightsaber deals Ion damage instead of Energy Damage. Must be paired with another crystal during lightsaber assembly.
Gahta 3d8-2 Orange, Yellow, Teal -
Heart of the Guardian 2d10 Orange +2 bonus on attack rolls against lightsaber-wielders.
Hurikane Crystal 2d8 Blue, Purple +2 bonus on attack rolls against enemies wearing armor.
Ilum Crystal 2d8+1 Blue, Green +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Jenraux Crystal 2d8-2 Varies +2 bonus to Defense.
Kaiburr Crystal Shard 2d8+2 Crimson Red Increase die type by one step when applying Force Points to attack rolls.
Kasha Crystal 2d8 Varies +2 bonus to Will Saving Throws.
Krayt Dragon Pearl None N/A Increases bonus on damage rolls. Efficiency depends on the success of tuning. See Krayt Dragon Pearl
Lambent Crystal None N/A Ignore restrictions on sensing Yuuzhan Vong. Must be paired with another crystal during lightsaber assembly.
Mantle of the Force 2d10 Cyan +2 bonus on Force Feat uses. +5 bonus on Force Skill uses.
Obsidon 2d8 Orange, Yellow -
Opila Crystal 2d8-2 Varies +1 die of damage on critical hits.
Phond Crystal 2d8-2 Varies +1 die of damage against enemies with shield generators equipped.
Reyta 4d4+3 Red, Orange +5 to all Intimidate and Bluff skill checks.
Rubat Crystal None N/A Reroll one damage roll once per encounter. Must be paired with another crystal during lightsaber assembly.
Sigil Crystal 2d8 Varies +2 bonus on damage rolls.
Solari Crystal 2d8-2 Varies +2 bonus to Deflect and Extended Deflect attempts.
Synthetic Crystal 5d4 Red +1 bonus on attack rolls.
Tawer 5d4-2 Forest Green, Royal Blue, Deep Red Blade changes color based on alignment. Royal Blue for Light, Forest Green for Neutral, and Deep Red for Dark alignments.
Weyra 2d6+2 Orange, Teal -
Unstable Crystal 2d10 Red or Varies +1 die of damage on critical hits, deactivates on a natural 1
Note: Crystals marked with bold text are one of a kind. There is only one of these crystals present in the entire galaxy.


Geology & Geography

Crystals are scattered across the world. Most often can they be found on Dantooine , Ilum, Jedha, Mygeeto and Tatooine to name a few.   Other rare items, such as Krayt Dragon Pearls, the Corusca Jewel, and Barab Ingots are also materials, albeit rare ones, used in lightsaber assembly are equally effective if not more so.   On rare occasions, synthetic crystals are made. Forged in large furnaces, they require one to be very strong with the Force in order for the Jedi to survive the process, let alone create the crystal. This is a technique that is rarely used by Jedi of the Order, but more often a means of the Sith and Jedi later on in time during the Galatic Civil War.


Trade & Market

Focusing Crystals are sold on black markets. In these cases, they were attuned to a Jedi and removed from his or her lightsaber upon their death.   Young Jedi are often tasked with finding their own crystals and it is frowned upon for them to purchase such crystals from the black market due to the nature of how they wound up there.
Through the history of the lightsaber, many different crystals have been used, each producing its own special effects. The crystal's type and size are the foundation of a lightsaber's damage ratio. It is also the foundation of the blade color.   Focusing crystals determine the lightsaber's damage rate and color of the blade. Jedi become very attached to their lightsabers not only for the reason of their own personal construction but also for their attachment to their crystals. The amount of effort put into tuning and imbuing the crystal is unexplainable to those that have never crafted a lightsaber before. Focusing crystals come in a variety of types and sizes. In order for a crystal to be used in a lightsaber, it must be of the same size as the lightsaber being constructed.
Very Rare
Most often Clear. Rare Crystals have colors and Krayt Dragon Pearls are off-white and opaque.
Common State
Crystal, Solid
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