Force Training Regimens

The following Force Regimens can be learned by any Force-sensitive character and enhance their connection to the Force in a variety of ways.    

Eye of the Force

This regimen trains you to sense images that you cannot normally see by reading the surface thoughts of others. During this exercise, an assistant holds a two-dimensional image viewer so that you see the images being displayed on the screen. As the image viewer cycles through different images of common objects, you must read the surface thoughts of the assistant to determine what image is being displayed on the screen at that time.   Time: 1 hour Requirements: A two-dimensional image display and an assistant. Telepathy Force skill Rank 4 or higher. : Make a Telepathy Force skill check: The result of the check determines the benefits of the training exercise.   DC 12 or lower: You can barely read the assistant's surface thoughts. You gain nothing from this training.   DC 13-17: You successfully read one-third of the assistant's surface thoughts. You gain a +2 Force Bonus on Telepathy Force Skills for the next 24 hours.   DC 18-22: You successfully read two-thirds of the assistant's surface thoughts. You gain a +4 Force Bonus on Telepath Force Skills for the next 24 hours.   DC 23 and higher: You successfully read all of the assistant's surface thoughts. You gain a +6 Force Bonus on Telepath Force Skills for the next 24 hours. In addition, if you successfully use Telepathy against an unwilling target, you can also sense the target's surface emotions and stray thoughts (as determined by the Gamemaster).  

Oxygen Bottle

This difficult regimen trains you to master environmental manipulation through the Force. You must first empty a glass bottle of air, creating a perfect vacuum inside. Then you must allow only oxygen to slip past the seal created by the Force, eventually filling the bottle with pure oxygen to slip past the seal created by the Force, eventually filling the bottle with pure oxygen before placing the vac-seal stopper. This regimen requires you to use the Force in a nearly molecular level, as well as the Sense aspect of the Force to determine what molecules are making their way into the bottle.   Time: 1 hour.   Requirements: A glass bottle with a vac-seal stopper.   Make a Move Object Force Skill check: The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 26: You fail to create a vacuum in the bottle before the regimen begins, resulting in an imperfect mixture. You gain a +2 Fortitude bonus and a +2 defense against inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.   DC 32: You create a vacuum in the bottle, but let other molecules enter through your Force seal, creating an imperfect mixture. You gain a +5 Fortitude bonus and a +5 defense against inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.   DC 38 and higher: You complete this regimen perfectly, resulting in a bottle full of nothing but pure oxygen. You gain a +8 Fortitude bonus and are immune to inhaled poisons and non-corrosive atmospheric hazards.  

Quiet the Mind

This regimen trains you to block out distractions and stray thoughts. It requires little more than finding a quiet, secluded spot and slipping into a meditative trance to clear your mind of doubt, questions, fear, and the chaos of the galaxy. Jedi use this technique to open themselves to the flow of the Force, allowing them to see distant places and events.   Time: 1 hour.   Make a Farseeing or Enhance Senses skill check: The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen.   DC 13: You meditate, but your mind is still clouded by external stimuli. You gain +1 to Farseeing skill, even if untrained in this skill. But once you use the skill, it will vanish again, as your focus becomes fixated on the visions that flash before your eyes.   DC 18: You meditate, quieting your mind except for but a few small distractions. You can +1 to Farseeing skill, even if untrained in this skill. The bonus lasts for the rest of the day. If you become unconscious or go to sleep, you must quiet your mind again the next day to gain the benefits once more.   DC 23: You meditate, quieting your mind entirely. You gain +2 to Farseeing skill, even if untrained in this skill. The bonus lasts for the rest of the day. When you go to sleep, roll a farseeing check against DC 30. If it succeeds, you see visions of things that have happened, things that are happening now, or things that could be ( As determined by the GM ). You gain +1 to Farseeing, permanently as a result of these visions. If you fail the check, you see no visions but maintain your bonus for an extra day.  

Telekinetic Practice

This regimen hones your skill with the Alter aspect of the Force and enhances telekinetic precision. You begin by placing a deep bowl on the ground, with an orb at the bottom of the bowl. First, you must use the Force to hold the bowl perfectly still and pin it to the ground. Then you roll the ball slowly up the side of the bowl, keeping it in contact with the bowl at all times until it reaches the upper rim. The orb is then held in place for 5 minutes and must remain perfectly still. You then roll the orb slowly back to the bottom of the bowl, moving it with the Force and now allowing the orb to move under gravity's power.   Time: 1 hour   Requirements: A deep bowl and a polished stone orb.   Make a move object check: The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 18: You let the bowl move during the regimen. You gain 1 temporary Force Point which you can apply only to Move Object force skill or skills with similar (telekinetic) descriptions.   DC 23: You let the orb roll under gravity's power back to its starting position. You gain 2 Temporary Force Points which you can apply only to Move Object force skill or skills with similar (telekinetic) descriptions.   DC 28: You complete the regimen perfectly. You gain 2 temporary Force Points which you can apply to Move Object checks or skills with similar (telekinetic) descriptions. You choose to do this or use the Force Points to re-roll a Move Object check made. You must keep the second result ( even if it is worse).


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