Jedi Hunter

The term Jedi hunter typically referred to a being or droid who was particularly adept at killing Jedi.
"People say killing Jedi is hard. It's not, you just have to be smart about it. No blasters, no getting close to them, no attacking them directly when you can gun down their allies instead." ―Atton Rand
Skilled hunters understood that confronting a Jedi with standard tactics and equipment was often doomed to failure, so many of them employed novel, unorthodox strategies, and weaponry. One of the more standard Jedi killing weapons was the slugthrower, a weapon that employed chemically propelled solid projectiles instead of an energy discharge. These weapons were extremely useful when confronting an individual with a lightsaber, as the standard metal projectiles utilized in most slugthrowers could not be redirected by a lightsaber in the same manner as a blaster bolt; they simply vaporized on contact with the blade.   Flamethrowers also worked well, as the jet of fire produced by one could not be blocked by a lightsaber. A skilled enough Jedi could use the Force to shield themselves from the flames, but this took considerable effort and uncommon strength in the Force.   Sonic weapons could interfere with a Jedi's concentration, and as such could undermine their connection to the Force. The use of proper mental techniques to cloud one's intentions made ambush an option. Quality poisoned darts were silent and worked too quickly for Jedi to counter. These weapons were of limited use on a large-scale battlefield, but deadly against Jedi. The notorious Jedi hunter HK-47 believed that the best weapons for killing Jedi were either sonic-based weapons or high explosives, while poison gas was effective but to a lesser degree. As only a very skilled Jedi was capable of using a lightsaber as a ranged weapon, most Jedi preferred to engage a target at close quarters, making land mines an extremely effective weapon. Energy shields were also useful, as lightsabers had a difficult time penetrating most military-issue energy shields.   Many Jedi hunters often used weapons and armor made of lightsaber-resistant materials. For instance, the IG-100 MagnaGuard series droids utilized electostaffs made of phrik alloys that allowed the droids to engage in melee combat against Jedi, and the bounty hunter Cad Bane owned a specialized, handmade carbine that fired cortosis projectiles. Though this weapon could short-out lightsaber blades and was extraordinarily deadly, Bane rarely used it as the cortosis ammunition was expensive, and firing such ammunition put a great deal of stress on the weapon.   During his tenure as a Sith Lord, Revan also developed techniques that enabled Force-insensitive individuals to deal with Jedi Force abilities. Targeting the allies of a Jedi, or even just random bystanders, was a favorite among such Jedi hunters as most Jedi were willing to put themselves in harm's way to protect others. Sniping and using cover were also useful, as many Force abilities decrease substantially in effectiveness without a direct line of sight to the target. HK-47 also believed that it was critical not to over-plan the assassination of a Jedi, as it seemed that such planning often backfired due to Jedi precognition. In addition, it was possible for a Force-insensitive individual to learn how to "hide their minds" from Jedi by broadcasting strong emotions while thinking about something unrelated. This made Force-insensitive assassins in particular very difficult for Jedi to detect with the Force. Psychological warfare was also extremely effective against Jedi, as a Jedi's connection to the Force was largely based on their emotional state.  
  General Grievous' lightsaber collection from Jedi kills   Lightsaber collecting was also a fairly common practice among Jedi Hunters. As they were unique to each Jedi, they provided proof of kill, and could be kept as trophies. The bounty hunter Boba Fett and the Mandalorian raider Sherruk were known to collect lightsabers. Some hunters would also make personal use of their collected lightsabers, such as Grievous or Aurra Sing.


Knowledge: Jedi Lore rank 5 or higher
Constitution of 16 or higher


+2 defense against lightsaber strikes

The Jedi Hunter is Immune to Sense Motive checks against them from the Jedi they are hunting.

Special Feat:

Ninth Life

  Mandalorians have hunted Jedi for thousands of years. Knowledge on how to kill Jedi has been passed down through the generations and preserved as part of Mandalorian military traditions. A Jedi hunter's special knowledge of Jedi makes them particularly hard to kill.

When facing a force-sensitive opponent, this feat activates. When struck with a fatal blow, their ninth life is depleted, the hunter is rendered unconscious instead. This life can be depleted when thrown from deadly heights, electrocution, Force Choke, Life Drain, Poison, Disease, or other means of killing the hunter by a force-sensitive foe.

This life is also depleted if the fatal blow is given by a force-sensitive creature. Once this life is lost, it does not regenerate.


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