
Mandalore was the Basic transliteration of the title used by the supreme leader of the Mandalorian people and culture. In its truest, native rendering as Mand'alor, the title meant "sole ruler" in the Mandalorian language of Mando'a. Originating with Mandalore the First, the mythic leader of the Taung warriors who went on to become the first Mandalorians, Mand'alor became the title passed down for use by the subsequent leaders of the people for generations after.    Functioning as a combination of both king and warrior general, the Mand'alor was the closest to a head of state the widespread Mandalorian clans possessed, and in addition to holding the secondary title of Al'Ori'Ramikade—"Commander of Supercommandos"—Mand'alor was the de facto ruler of the Mandalorians' conquered home planet, the eponymous Outer Rim world of Mandalore. Outsiders to the Mandalorian culture often respectfully addressed the Mandalorian leader as Lord Mandalore. The importance of the Mand'alor was reflected in the six tenets that outlined Mandalorian culture, the Resol'nare, one of which dictated that a Mandalorian rally to the Mand'alor when called upon.     For years, the position of Mand'alor was traditionally symbolized by the passing of the mask of Mandalore upon the death of the previous owner, but in later times this custom had faded into antiquity, and new Mandalores needed only the support of the people to ascend to the role. Numerous Mandalores also took to adapting descriptive epithets, in order to distinguish themselves from those who came before and after. Following the foundation of the New Mandalorians, the pacifist sect rejected the authority of the clan-chosen Mandalores, and instead appointed their own leaders in opposition to those who ruled the warrior clans. The Death Watch, in turn, appointed their own Secret Mandalores in opposition to both the New Mandalorians and the unaffiliated warrior clans. During this period of social division in the Mandalorian culture, the traditionally chosen Mand'alor of the clans became known as the "True Mandalore", as a means of countering the claims of the New Mandalorian and Death Watch leaders. Throughout the history of the galaxy, at least twenty-three Mandalorians declared themselves Mand'alor and met with varying degrees of success in their attempts to lead the Mandalorian people.
Charisma 15 or higher, Bluff rank (4)7 and/or Intimidate rank (4)7 (4 is the requirement if both ranks are present) AND Persuasive Feat.

+5 to Bluff/Intimidate people whose occupation has a rank system (for example, soldiers and police officers)

Special Feat: Motivational Speech
As a leader, a Mandalorian has a way with words. They have the power to light a fire in the hearts of their squad or put the fear of the gods in them. The Mandalorian Leader can give a motivational speech to their party.

Each member of the party has +3 to their attack rolls for 2 turns. Successful hits during the motivated period do +5 damage.

If the party misses ALL their hits during the motivation period, the party becomes demotivated. -1 to all attack rolls and -3 to damage for 1 turn.

This action counts as a full-round action and takes effect in the next round.


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