Mandalorian WIlderness Survival

Survival skills are techniques that a person may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural environment or built environment. These techniques are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include water, food, and shelter. The skills also support proper knowledge and interactions with animals and plants to promote the sustaining of life over a period of time. Survival skills are often associated with the need to survive in a disaster situation. Survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancients invented and used for thousands of years. Outdoor activities such as hiking, backpacking, riding various creatures, fishing, and hunting all require basic wilderness survival skills, especially in handling emergency situations. Bushcraft and primitive living are most often self-implemented but require many of the same skills.   Often survival practitioners will carry with them a "survival kit". This consists of various items that seem necessary or useful for potential survival situations, depending on anticipated challenges and location. Supplies in a survival kit vary greatly by anticipated needs. For wilderness survival, they often contain items like a knife, water container, fire-starting apparatus, first aid equipment, food obtaining devices (snare wire, fish hooks, firearms, or other,) a light, navigational aids, and signaling or communications devices. Often these items will have multiple possible uses as space and weight are often at a premium.   Survival kits may be purchased from various places across the galaxy or individual components may be bought and assembled into a kit.   Survival kits can be found at hunting lodges and similar supply stores. They can also be found at military surplus stores and high-grade survival materials can be bought from some military manufacturing organizations like Czerka.

Kit-Type Cost Weight (kg) Days of Food
Hobby Grade (Low Quality) 250 1 7
Frequent Hiker Grade (Medium Quality) 500 1.5 14
Professional Hunter Grade (High Quality) 750 2 21
Military Grade ( Premium Quality ) 1000 2.5 28
Prerequisites: Survival Rank 5 or higher, Rugged Feat, and Wisdom 15 or higher

Prerequisites are not required if the Mandalorian has the Antarian Ranger prestige class.

+5 to Survival

You never get lost in the wilderness

Special Feat: King of the Jungle

The verd’goten was child’s compared to the knowledge you have acquired. You can survive in the wilderness like it was your second home. You will never starve, dehydrate, or lose your way in the wild because you know how to find everything you need to live in nature. You are never taken by surprise by predators and are half as likely to encounter them.

GM must half their rolls for random encounters in the wild where applied.

Mandalorians that are masters of the wilderness can also treat simple poisons, toxic bites, or skin rashes caused by fauna and flora in the wild, given they are familiar with the planet (an untrained knowledge check may be attempted for the planet in question).

Wisdom modifier is applied to knowledge checks related to survival in the wilderness instead of Intelligence.


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