Mid Rim

The Mid Rim, also known as the Mid-Rim, Middle Rim, Mid-systems, or the Mid Rim Territories, was a region of the galaxy located between the Expansion Region and the Outer Rim Territories. With fewer natural resources—and therefore a smaller population—than many neighboring regions, the Mid Rim was a territory where residents worked hard for everything they had. Several planets built up impressive economies, and pirate raiders often hid in the relatively unexplored spaces far from major trade routes.   The Mid Rim was comprised of over 160 sectors and a region of free-standing subsectors on its southwestern flanks.   During the New Sith Wars in 1764 BrS, Republic forces bombed the Ubese homeworld of Uba IV and exterminated all life on Uba I, II, and V. This led to the near-extinction of the Ubese species who maintained everlasting belligerence towards the Republic and the Jedi. Throughout this period, Gap Nine and Almas were the sites of battles between the Republic and various Sith factions. In the Light and Darkness War, the Brotherhood of Darkness invaded Kashyyyk and Trandosha. However, the Trandoshans slaughtered many of the troopers. The Sith retaliated by invading their world and burning the homes of the Trandoshans, leading the surviving Trandoshans to save themselves from death by pledging loyalty to the Brotherhood. In 1000 BBY, the lush world of Ruusan was the site of seven epic battles that culminated in the destruction of the Brotherhood. Following the campaign, the Republic enacted the Ruusan Reformations which increased the powers of the Galactic Senate while reducing the number of senators.   Circa 964 BrS, Malastare was colonized by Gran colonists from Kinyen which resulted in a bloody and violent war. Using their influence in the Senate, the Gran were able to settle the conflict in their favor and established the colonial Gran Protectorate. The native Dugs were demilitarized and resettled on Malastere's western continent where they were exploited by their Gran colonial masters over the millennia. Throughout the last centuries of the Republic, the Gran colonists dominated Malastare.   In 2 ArS, Supreme Chancellor Valorum increased taxation of Outer Rim trade routes, prompting the Trade Federation to blockade and occupy Naboo. With the support of the Jedi and the Gungans, the Naboo Queen Padmé Amidala regained control of the planet during the Naboo crisis. Meanwhile, Trandoshan terrorists attempted to assassinate the Wookiee senator Yarua in protest of their homeworld being directly represented in the Senate by Kashyyyk. In 13 ArS, further tensions between the two species led to a Wookiee blockade of Trandosha, and peace talks collapsed when it was revealed that the Trandoshans were seeking to obtain representation with Trade Federation backing.

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