Vo'ren Faalo's Cadences

Faalo's cadences were a series of lightsaber training techniques developed by the famed Jedi Master, Vo'ren Faalo. It involved manipulating durasteel ball bearings atop wax candles.  


In each of Vo'ren Faalo's cadences, the primary practice is to stand in a circle of candles with the ball bearings and attempt to strike the ball bearings without hitting the candles. As the duelist proceeds through each of the cadences, the number of candles would be incrementally increased until the fifth, where the duelist will have achieved such a state of mastery that the candles are unnecessary, as the duelist will simply know when he has performed the sequence correctly.   A Jedi of any rank and level can use the cadences to train or improve their own skills with a lightsaber.    

Vo'ren's First Cadence

Vo'ren's first cadence teaches precision through control of one's body and sensory awareness. You set up 19 wax cylinders at 10-degree intervals around your body, each one approximately 1.5 meters away, forming a semicircle. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. You must then use your lightsaber to strike each ball bearing without making contact with the wax cylinder beneath it. You must place the cylinders and ball bearings one at a time until all 19 have been placed.   Time: 1 hour.   Requirements: Lightsaber, 19 wax cylinders, and 190 ball bearings.   Make an Attack Roll.   You take a penalty on your attack roll equal to your total Dark Side Points. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 13: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 bonus to your Will saving throw. The bonus disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 18: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 bonus to your Will saving throw. The bonus disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 23: You complete the cadence without damaging any cylinders. You gain a +2 bonus to your Will saving throw and you gain 2 temporary ranks of Force Strike. The bonus disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.  

Vo'ren's Second Cadence

Vo'ren's second cadence teaches not only control but spatial awareness. You must setup 72 wax cylinders at 5-degree intervals around your body, each one approximately 1.5 meters away. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. Like in the first cadence, you must place the cylinders and ball bearings one at a time until all 72 have been placed. However, unlike the first cadence, you must strike at all of the cylinders in a full 360-degree arc without turning your body to face the cylinders to the rear, honing your ability to strike at enemies coming from all sides.   Time: 2 hours.   Requirements: Lightsaber, 72 wax cylinders, and 2,701 ball bearings.   Make an Attack Roll.   You take a penalty on your attack roll equal to your total Dark Side Points. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 18: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with a lightsaber against enemies that try to flank you. This bonus disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 23: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with a lightsaber against enemies that try to flank you. This bonus disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 28: You complete the regimen without damaging the cylinders. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with a lightsaber against enemies that try to flank you, and you gain the benefits of the Whirlwind Attack feat (if you do not already know it ). This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.  

Vo'ren's Third Cadence

Vo'ren's third cadence teaches precision through control of one's body and sensory awareness. You set up 180 wax cylinders at 2-degree intervals around your body, approximately 1.5 meters away. Atop each cylinder, one metal ball bearing is placed. Unlike the second cadence, in the third cadence, you must strike every fifth ball bearing, making a rotation around your body several times over the course of the regimen. This prepares you for irregular attack patterns from all sides.   Time: 3 hours.   Requirements: Lightsaber, 180 wax cylinders, and 16,290 ball bearings.   Make an Attack Roll.   You take a penalty on your attack roll equal to your Dark Side Points. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 23: You damage two cylinders. You gain a +1 damage bonus to attacks made in the Ataru Stance or +1 attack bonus to blasters bolts that are redirected using Deflect (extend defense and attack). This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 28: You damage one cylinder. You gain a +2 damage bonus to attacks made in the Ataru Stance or +2 attack bonus to blaster bolts that are redirected using Deflect (extend defense and attack). This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 33: You complete the regimen without damaging the cylinders. You gain a +3 damage bonus to attacks made in the Ataru Stance or +3 attack bonus to blaster bolts that are redirected using Deflect (extend defense and attack), and you gain the benefits of the Lightsaber Defense feat (if you do not already know it). This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.  

Vo'ren's Fourth Cadence

Vo'ren's fourth cadence teaches composure and quick thinking amid the chaos of battle. It begins by setting up 360 wax cylinders at 1-degree intervals around your body, each one approximately 1.5 meters away. No ball bearings are required for this cadence. You must strike the cylinders according to a complex mathematical formula. By the time the cadence is completed, you will have learned to perform incredibly taxing mental tasks while also focusing on the external chaos of combat.   Time: 3 hours.   Requirements: Lightsaber and 360 wax cylinders.   Make an attack roll.   You take a penalty on your attack roll equal to your Dark Side Points. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 26: You make a mistake during the first hour. You can use a Force Skill and make an attack on the same turn once per combat encounter. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 32: You make a mistake during the second hour. You can use a Force Skill or Force Feat and make an attack on the same turn once per combat encounter. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 38: You make no mistakes during the regimen. You can use a Force Skill or Force Feat and make an attack on the same turn once per round in combat. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.  

Vo'ren's Fifth Cadence

In Vo'ren's fifth cadence, you must demonstrate true mastery over yourself and your lightsaber. No wax cylinders are required; you simply know when you have made a correct strike. Unlike other cadences, this regimen requires you to use the Force to manipulate your lightsaber, an act of pure telekinetic power in which your hands never touch the weapon. This technique brings together the Control, Sense, and Alter aspects of the Force into one training regimen.   Time: 3 hours.   Requirement: Lightsaber.   Make a Move Object skill use check.   You take a penalty on your Move Object skill check equal to your Dark Side Points. The result of the check determines the benefits of the regimen:   DC 31: You make a mistake during the first hour. You gain a +1 bonus on all Move Object skill checks. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 37: You make a mistake during the second hour. You gain a +2 bonus on all Move Object skill checks. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious.   DC 43: You complete the cadence without making a single mistake. You are a +2 bonus on all Move Object skills checks. This benefit disappears when you go to sleep or are rendered unconscious. Because you have mastered all five of Vo'ren's cadences you gain a new feat, Lightsaber Throw, and a permanent +1 bonus to Move Object skills uses.


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