Galatic History

A record of events leading up to the current date.

The Old Republic

4964 BrS 0 BrS

  • -4964


    The Great Hyperspace War
    Political event

    The Great Hyperspace War was a war fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.   The conflict encompassed the entire Galactic Republic, though the main forces focused their attention on three Republic worlds, and later took the war to the remote star system Primus Goluud, and the Sith mausoleum world of Korriban.   After it overcame the initial shock of the Sith invasion, the Republic's armadas regrouped and annihilated the Sith Empire, forcing the Sith Lord Naga Sadow to exile himself to Yavin 4.

  • -4000


    The Great Sith War

    The Great Sith War, also known as the Sith War, the First Sith War, the Exar Kun War, and the Great Shadow Crusade to the Mandalorians, was a galaxy-wide conflict which took place in 3960 BrS. One of the largest engagements of the Old Sith Wars, the Great Sith War saw the rise of the Sith, once again in opposition to the Jedi Order. The roots of the conflict are traced back to the fall of Freedon Nadd from the Jedi way and his ascension to Dark Lord of the Sith. Eventually, his dark influence was discovered on the planet Onderon and the ensuing battle saw the Jedi temporarily break Nadd's hold on the remote planet. This fight against the resurgent power of the Sith was a warning to the Jedi that something ominous was brewing.   The influence of the Sith, however, again resurfaced during the Freedon Nadd Uprising, which managed to establish the means for the Krath to grow in power and influence. Using Sith knowledge that they had gained from Nadd and his followers on Onderon, the Krath instituted a bloody coup in the Empress Teta system and began a series of campaigns aimed at Republic space. After several defeats at the hands of the Krath, Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma advised the Jedi Order that he would infiltrate the Krath and destroy them from within. During his undercover mission, Ulic fell to the dark side and joined forces with another fallen Jedi-turned-Sith by the name of Exar Kun. Eventually, Kun was anointed the new Dark Lord of the Sith with Qel-Droma his apprentice, and together they ushered the galaxy into a new Sith age.   With their allies, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma launched a series of deadly campaigns against the Republic, eventually making their way to the heart of the galaxy—Coruscant. Following this battle Kun and Qel-Droma launched an assault on Ossus, in an attempt to raid the planet of its Jedi artifacts. However, the battle of Ossus saw the defeat of the Sith forces, the capture of Ulic Qel-Droma, and the retreat of Kun to his base on Yavin 4. Broken and humbled, Qel-Droma agreed to lead the combined forces of the Republic Rim Fleet and the Jedi to Yavin 4, to defeat Exar Kun. Under the combined efforts of the Jedi, Kun was defeated and the Great Sith War brought to an end.

  • -3646


    Great Galatic War
    Political event

    The Great Galactic War, known as the Great War during the conflict and in the years afterward, was a war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic between 3646 BrS and 3674 BrS, lasting for a total of 28 years. Also known as the Republic–Sith War, the conflict was ultimately the culmination of a 1300-year grudge held by survivors of the old Sith Empire against the Republic for their defeat in the Great Hyperspace War.   The war would cost countless lives and devastate worlds from the Core to the Rim, as well as having dramatic galactic consequences otherwise. The Republic economy was shattered and roughly half the galaxy would end up under Sith dominion, and the Jedi Order would withdraw from the galactic capital of Coruscant to establish a new home on their ancient homeworld of Tython.   But it would not ultimately be conclusive. While a strategic defeat for the Republic, the end of the war left both powers standing, engaged in an undeclared conflict for supremacy on numerous disputed worlds.

  • -1953


    Bespin is colonized for the first time.

    The colonization of Bespin

    The planet was first discovered by the explorers from the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild in years prior to the Mandalorian Wars. The carbonite-rich Empress Teta established a small gas operation on the planet, but it was mostly destroyed during the Mandalorian Wars by a fleet of Mandalorian warships, hoping to break up the tibanna gas supply chain for the Galactic Republic.   Bespin was first colonized in 1953 BrS. The planet had its own Jedi Enclave. During the New Sith Wars, the Brotherhood of Darkness captured the planet. Lord Ecclessis Figg commissioned Cloud City to be built by the Incom Corporation around 364 BrS.

The Galatic Republic

0 BrS 60 ArS

  • 4


    The Battle of Naboo

    The Battle of Naboo, also known by names such as the Battle of the Great Grass Plains and the Assault on Theed, was the final conflict of the Invasion of Naboo that occurred in 4 ArS. Queen Padmé Amidala of the Naboo formulated the plan to end the invasion, enlisting the help of the Gungan Grand Army to stage a diversion while the Queen battled to retake the planet's capital and capture the Trade Federation's Viceroy, Nute Gunray. As the Gungans engaged the Trade Federation Droid Army on the Great Grass Plains, Amidala's strike force infiltrated the capital city of Theed, and also freed the pilots of Bravo Flight to engage the Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship Vuutun Palaa in orbit, which controlled the Trade Federation's droid army. The battle came to an end when the young boy Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Control Ship, disabling the Federation's forces, and Amidala captured Viceroy Gunray in Theed.
