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Hutts are large slug-like sentient species who reside on the planet Nal Hutta who have large mouths, stubby arms and three lungs. They were tough and muscular with thick leathery skin, which was wrinkled and slimy. Their tails were supported by a skeletal spine and allowed Hutts to propel themselves through muck which legs would sink into. Despite their legendary adult size, Hutts started out as tiny Huttlets less than half a meter in height. They are well known as galactic gangsters whose Grand Hutt Council controlled the Hutt Clan crime syndicate as well as a large space empire in Hutt Space. The species was said to originally hail from the planet Varl, but no planet by that name appeared on any Imperial star charts.   Their collective ego and arrogance stems from surviving the destruction of their homeworld, giving them a sense of godhood as per their own mythology. The familiar nature of everything the Hutts do stems from their sense of collective superiority over all other species, and the immense economic and strategic power of their clans, called kajidics.   The notable Hutt Jabba Desilijic Tiure was able to unify Hutt clans by convincing his people that as such a superior species it behooved them to work together against all of the "lesser races."   Now, wealth is the true power of the Hutts. Accumulated over their long lives and passed on through elaborate inheritance protocols through their kajidics. With it, they hire all of the professionals they need for every operation they oversee, and they purchase all the slaves they require to serve their needs and their exorbitant whims. They also happily maintain a brisk slave trade; their disdain for other races makes it quite easy for them to see many species as little more than commodities with useful applications.   Hutts are also well known for making revenge a kind of cultural pastime; no being can be allowed to wrong a Hutt and get away with it. Hutts tend to view any such action as diminishing to the entire species, and any Hutt that allows himself to be wronged by a lowly human or other sentient is not worthy of his position. As such, Hutts will spend exorbitant amounts tracking down and capturing anyone who deals dirty with them, or fails them in some particular way. Mere murder is not sufficient; elaborate torture or some form of extreme humiliation is required, so that all other beings in the galaxy understand that they should never cross a Hutt.   There are very few artisans, crafters, technicians, or other creators of note or worth in Hutt society. The greatest of their people are business moguls, brokers, and crime lords. They bring together the people and the resources to fulfill a need within a given marketplace, and then they squeeze every credit they can from the operation. Nothing is respected more among their kind, and their usual ostentatious displays of decadence are meant to reinforce their images as masters of wealth and power.   As stated, Hutt crime activities are a family affair, yet the sight of more than one Hutt in any given space is incredibly rare. Each Hutt in a kajidic will take up residence where they can directly oversee and manage a criminal operation, surrounding himself with soldiers, servants, and specialists to do all of the work necessary.

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