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Rin Tos

Rin Tos

Rin Tos was born on one of the 20 orbital cities surrounding Duro. His family was poor and moved constantly in an attempt to out run debtors so records of his birth and early life are sparse due to never establishing roots for too long in any one location. His mother died when he was 5 and never really connecting with his father, Rin instead found solace working on droids and tinkering with various machines.   While Rin slowly gained recognition for his skills, his father on the other hand found himself buried in an ever growing mountain of debt. As a result, Rin was sold by his father at the age of 12 years old to a crew of scavengers who recognized his skills and talents. Rin, realizing the life he had to go back to wasn't much better than his current situation, stayed quite, stayed out of the way, and observed everything he could about the scoundrel who purchased him.   Eventually Rin was taught how to use a pistol, how to avoid detection, and proved an exceptional pilot for the crew on many missions. Rin lived this way for the next 7 years and grew to appreciate his new life unaware of a darker trend in jobs undertaken by the crew.   It wasn't until one particularly difficult mission where Rin was forced to go to the planet to assist his crew in an escape. During this mission, Rin realized the brutal nature of those he served with and once safely back on the ship, devised a plan to escape. This plan came to fruition when during a mission to a relatively uninhabited world, Rin marooned his crew and exited the system in their ship. Eventually caught and brought to justice for his part in their crimes. A Jedi, noticing Rin's force sensitivity convinced the local authorities to release Rin into their custody.   Since this day, Rin has lived within the Jedi academy as a mechanic, pilot, and student of their teachings in the force.

A talented engineer and pilot, Rin spends more time with machines than with people. Sold at a young age to scavengers, Rin's focus in life is to help undo the wrongs he unknowingly committed while part of their crew

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Neutral Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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