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The Mynock's Wing

The Mynock's Wing is a modified Ghtroc 720 Freighter owned by the Jedi Order. It is used by Jedi Masters that require additional space for passengers or cargo, and is a personal favorite of Jedi Master Dal Konur. Astromech droid S19-A1 is the preferred droid for this ship due to its familiarity with its systems.   

Mynock's Wing

Modified Ghtroc 720 Freighter
Colossal Space Transport
Initiative: -3; Senses: Perception +5
Defense Ref 14 (Flat-Footed 12), Fort 25; +12 Armor
hp: 110; DR 15; SR 45; Threshold 75

Speed Fly 12 Squares, Fly 5 Squares (Starship Scale) (Maximum Velocity 750 km/h)
Ranged Laser Cannons, Double +1 (See Below)
Fighting Space 12x12, 1 Square (Starship Scale) Cover Total
Base Atk +0; Grp +35
Atk Options Autofire (Laser Cannons, Double)

Abilities Str 40, Dex 14, Con -, Int 17
Skills Init -3, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot -3, Use Computer +5

Crew 2 (Normal) Passengers 10
Cargo 135 Tons; Consumables 2 Months; Carried Craft None
Sensor Array computer +4
Upgraded security systems (+10 to Use Computer check to slice)
Hyperdrive x2 (Backup x15), Navicomputer
Availability Licensed; Cost 98,500 (23,000 Used)

Laser Cannons, Double (Gunner)
Atk +3 (-2 Autofire), Dmg 4d10x2

Laser Cannons, Double (Gunner)
Atk +3 (-2 Autofire), Dmg 4d10x2

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