Personnel Carrier Vehicle in Star Wars RPG | World Anvil
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Personnel Carrier

Vehicle - Wheeled & Tracked

Many smaller or poorer fringe worlds can not afford military or law enforcement vehicles with expensive repulsorlift technology or construct the heavy walkers utilized by the Imperial Army. Instead, many of these worlds supply their militaries or self-defense forces with transports utilizing older but reliable wheeled or treaded propulsion. These personnel carriers are usually extremely simple, which does have the advantage of making them more reliable.

Vehicle Type: Groundcar

Model: Personnel Carrier

Manufacturer: Various

Maximum Altitude: N/A

Sensor Range: None

Crew: One pilot, One co-pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 100 (without passengers)

Passenger Capacity: 4-15

Cost: 3,000

Rarity: 2

Customization Hard Points: 3

Weapons: None



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