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Starfighters & Patrol Boats


Starfighters and patrol boats are the smallest hyperspace-capable starships found in the galaxy. These tiny, powerful ships have faithfully served galactic governments, planetary defense forces, pirate clans, and even Jedi for millennia. While they share some overlapping missions, starfighters and patrol boats are generally quite different in their construction, load-out, and usage.   Starfighters are small, short-range, one- or two-person spacecraft used by military and paramilitary forces as force projection and escort craft. Powered by small reactors with multiple ion engines and backup repulsorlift engines for atmospheric work, they are quite fast and agile, typically lightly armored, carry minimal shields, and have limited or no hyperspace capabilities. Depending on their role (space superiority, interception/pursuit, bombing/ anti-capital ship, etc.), starfighters are armed with diverse mix of weapons. Due to their small size, and short range starfighters are typically deployed from planetary airbases or carried into battle by larger, sturdier ships.   Patrol Boats are larger and sturdier vessels. Typically between a starfighter and a light freighter in size, patrol boats are designed for intra-system patrols, interdiction, law and customs enforcement, and long-range reconnaissance. They typically carry a crew of between two and six and are equipped with hyperdrives, navicomputers, and, on some models, sophisticated communications and sensor suites. While patrol boats are usually slightly slower than starfighters, they are more heavily armed, shielded, and armored.

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