Galactic Basic
Galactic Basic Standard, also known as Galactic Basic, Basic, or galactic standard, was the name of the most prevalent language in the galaxy. It was spoken by species including—but not limited to—humans, Pantorans,[12] and Toydarians,[2] but not by Ithorians[13] or Talz.[12] The Gungans of Naboo spoke a heavily accented dialect of Basic, with many differences in grammar and vocabulary.[2] Diplodialect was a specific register of Basic used in the diplomatic circles of the Galactic Republic.[6]
Most stormtroopers, the elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire, could only speak and understand Basic, despite the commonness of other languages such as Huttese.[14] With vocal cords that were quite different from those of many other species, Wookiees and Ithorians were entirely unable to speak Basic, though they could learn to understand it.[15] Many Ithorians used translator collars to simulate speaking Basic.[16] Tasu Leech, leader of the Kanjiklub, was unwilling to speak Basic, which he dismissed as a "soft language for soft people."[17] Basic could be written in several forms, including Aurebesh, High Galactic,[3] and Outer Rim Basic.[4]
Most stormtroopers, the elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire, could only speak and understand Basic, despite the commonness of other languages such as Huttese.[14] With vocal cords that were quite different from those of many other species, Wookiees and Ithorians were entirely unable to speak Basic, though they could learn to understand it.[15] Many Ithorians used translator collars to simulate speaking Basic.[16] Tasu Leech, leader of the Kanjiklub, was unwilling to speak Basic, which he dismissed as a "soft language for soft people."[17] Basic could be written in several forms, including Aurebesh, High Galactic,[3] and Outer Rim Basic.[4]