Gamorrese {Very Rare}

Gamorrese, or the Gamorrean language, was the native language of the Gamorrean species, who lived on their homeworld of Gamorr and colonies such as Pzob.
  Gamorrese was just a bunch of lexicon, mainly nouns and verbs plus a few adjectives, with a primitive syntax. Although apparently there were no declensions in Gamorrean, it was unclear if the word order provided the meaning of the sentences.
  Gamorreans used Gamorrean words as their names, so that the meaning of a Gamorrean name is, more or less, some kind of threat. Other Gamorreans could be intimidated if they hear "I am Ortugg", or "I'm going to Ortugg you".
  Although Gamorrese did not have a sophisticated written language it did have a very basic runic alphabet which was used for record keeping, accounting and genealogy. The runic alphabet was only typically used by educated sows although a fair number of boars could read them slowly. There were known to be several variations of the runic alphabet. Since Gamorreans encountered in the galaxy were mostly males it was generally considered that the Gamorreans had no written language.


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