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Kenth Vree

Kenth Vree (a.k.a. Kenny Silvertongue)

Kenth is the self-proclaimed Rockerboy and friendly face of the group, using music and words to accomplish creative solutions.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned, hairless and very decorated. Kenth treats his body like a temple, and he doesn't mind if some choose to pray. Average height and build, the bright colors on display makes sure he pops. His body is a museum of tattoos, piercing's and body mods.

Body Features

Kenth's entire throat is replaced by a large decorated cybernetic. a voluntary procedure done a year or so after joining the horn crew. The implant links his vocal cords and commlink implant to his portable amp. After years of combat, there are more than a few scars, the worst and largest however being a slave brand center of his lower back, it's the only thing he doesn't like to discuss about his body. Plenty of tattoos, his underworld tattoos layering over his previous Zabrak markings. distancing himself from his heritage. These tattoos range from snakes to credits, from old swoop bike gang tats to crossed-out names of old flames. A common theme over the torso is "resist" and a large depiction of a snake attacking lady justice, the Huttese for "injustice for all" seems to paint a picture of how low he views the justice system in the galaxy.

Facial Features

Kenth's origin allows for facial hair which he keeps very styled. Kenth's rightmost Horn is damaged, the tip has broken off about 70% of the way up, Kenth doesn't repair it as he thinks it's sexy. One of the last things Kenth's mother did before her passing was copy her Iridonian Marking onto Kenth's head. They are the only tattoos from his neck up.

Identifying Characteristics

Kenth learned early that if you don't let someone forget you, you get more jobs from them. From being obnoxiously flashy to loud and vocal, he will stand out from in a crowd, but his natural talent with style and outfits means he can blend in almost anywhere if he chooses too.

Physical quirks

Tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, and scars. Flamboyant clothes and make up

Special abilities

Music can move people, inspire people, save people, or straight up change people. Peppering in force influence to each lyric or note, allows Kenth to buff his friends and debuff his foes.

Apparel & Accessories

Olive and tan Zabrak combat suit under his clothes, contrasted by a shiny purple and gold Leather jacket. Blue peacock booster-boots and an abundance of jewelry, rings around his horns, necklaces, and piercings. Along with a guitar on his back.

Specialized Equipment

Kenth's baby is an old model copper guitar, a Blastercaster 5543K to be exact. can be modified and altered on the fly to play a library of other sounds. It has a built-in amp connected to his vocal implants allowing for notes and lyrics to be amplified with no outside tech.
His second pride and joy is 'Skeleton Key.' A hand cannon he keeps on his thigh. He has used lots of weapons in his life, but nothing beats ole faithful.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kenth was born to Vixla Vree, a courtesan in Tremo the Hutt's palace, in the middle of Nal Hutta. With being born into pseudo slavery. Kenth did a lot of running for the Hutt. From the age of 9, he was traversing the swamps of the marshland for a chance to get a better family standing inside the palace.
When Kenth was still a young boy around 11 his mother got sick. diagnosed with a disease like Tuberculosis. unable to get medical care Kenth did everything he could but in the end, could only watch his mother pass away.
No longer worried about leaving anyone behind Kenth's jobs got riskier, after joining a gang he picked unwinnable fights and learned how to live with himself after drawing first.
This went on for years till he was 19 and placed on a cargo transport ship with a couple of other gangsters on Tremos payroll. What was an easy delivery went south when Kenth found the cargo containers were full of people, slaves. that's when he decided if he was gonna die someday, he might as well take as many slavers with him as possible.
After a heated discussion, Kenth ended up killing the gangsters and took the slaves to Uquine, and emptied his accounts to help them get situated. Making himself an enemy of the Hutts and going on the run.
Sometime later after a bad bout of gambling and crime. Kenth was chased to Antar where, after a deal went south, he lost his spice shipment when his ship went up in flames in port. Finding comfort in a seedy cantina he met up with Ax Tagren, Itzni, and Yigsle the rest is history

Gender Identity

male identifying




School of hard knocks is Kenths alma mater. he taught himself everything he needs to know. math and science are unknown to him. Years of wartime taught proper CQC along with guerilla tactics.


age 9-11: running deliveries.
11-15: swoop gangster.
15-18: repo and extorsion.
19: spacer transport security.
19: freelance.
20-23: republic mercenary.
23-39- Rebel.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Fought for his freedom.
-Became a self-proclaimed Rockstar.
-Lived through clone wars.
-Won the war against the empire.
-Is learning about the Kashi Mer.

Failures & Embarrassments

-Kenth has lost a lot of people. comrades and people he has failed to save survivors guilt is the reason he drinks and hits spice
-Kenth thought if he could make enough money he could buy medicine for his mother, maybe he could and he just ran out of time.

Mental Trauma

Slavery and abuse of people, especially women, and children, is one of the few things that sets Kenth off. Sending him into a fairly unhealthy lust for his own form of cowboy justice. Mercy killing is something that Kenth has found himself in a position to perform more than once. First as a young teen, and more so after joining the army. A mix of survivor's guilt and the mental block of pulling the trigger. Failure to give his comrades a quick and painless death added to his guilt on the matter.

Morality & Philosophy

No one is better than anyone. Rank or social status means nothing if you do not earn the respect of those you preside over. Those that cannot fight, or lack the ability too, will be taught to fight for themselves.


Kenth will not discuss the work he has done as a slave, only that he was a salve as a kid. his list of stuff he won't do is pretty small, in terms of still being a good person of course.

Personality Characteristics


-Kenth fights for the little guy. He knows he can't stop the slave trade in the galaxy. it's impossible, but he will do as much damage to current trafficking operations as he can before he gets killed.
-Also money, Kenth does all non-slave work for pay. joining up as a Merc for the Rebellion.
-Followed by money is fame. Knowing his music is good nets him quite an ego. Inflating comes naturally.

Personality Quirks

Kenths lineage allows for more than usual hair for a Zabrak, which he loves.
Kenth seems to have issues forming meaningful relationships, takes everything as a joke, and has no regard for social reprimands.


Very clean. Kenth takes very good care of his appearance. everything is in tip-top shape and he has a smell of Vanilla and mint


Contacts & Relations

Besides the Horns crew, Kenth has a select few contacts he trusts won't sell him out. Kaliyo Djannis, Gault Rennow, and Scintal leave with Kenth for personal missions, when it comes to Fighting slavers you will find no group more driven. Kenth tries not to get too attached to many people, he is aware that it's usually just business, and if it's advantageous to get stabbed in the back, it will happen.

Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Kenth's main method of problem-solving is lies or flattery, and for the most part, it works quite well. His influence is his biggest weapon, and learning how to manipulate people made his life much, much easier


-Whistling, Humming, Singing, Snapping fingers.
-Counting teeth with the tongue when distracted.
-Wild gesturing while talking.

Hobbies & Pets

Kenth loves music! he is constantly playing or at least thinking about playing music. He indulges his vices without a second thought. understanding the worth of his life to most. Kenth does a lot of custom tailor work for himself and anyone who wants it done.


"Swap meat for metal, live a spiced-up fantasy, whatever, but at the end of it all, it's the code you live by that defines who you are. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants, and armies can not stand. You go through the galaxy knowing a straight blaster bolt could end you while hailing a cab, but that's never stopped you from taking action. Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you."

Wealth & Financial state

-50k in credits.
-Apartment on Nar Shadda, used as a safehouse for freed slaves.
-Stolen D5-Mantis Patrol Craft, La Lujuria, used for slaver missions.
neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Company Commander amongst the Rebel Alliance
Date of Birth
Nal Hutta
Current Residence
Selenium Horn
Man, and then some ;)
Striking Blue
dark mohawk
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
166 lbs
Known Languages
Basic Huttese Zabrak


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