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A four-armed, two-legged Species that can survive only in methane-rich atmospheres, the Morseerians are among the most secretive beings in the galaxy. Few non-Morseerians have seen one without an environmental suit.
Despite having lived on the fringes of galactic civilization for nearly twelve thousand years, the Morseerians have kept hidden the whereabouts and name of their homeworld, guarding this information with their lives. In fact, "Morseerian" might not be the true name of their Species. The name is derived from one of their few known colonies.   Morseerians are a rare sight, as they seldom travel farther Coreward than The Expansion Region. Those who do ply the space lanes do so in oval Starships of their own design (Ranging in size from shuttlecraft to bulk freighters) or in modified, outdated freighters manufactured by other Species. Their craft do not support anything but methane atmospheres.   Morseerians pursue trade and tend to deal only with merchants they have had luck with in the past. Despite their retiring nature, Morseerians maintain excellent relations with Squib merchants and prefer dealing with them above all other Species.

Basic Information


Morseerians are four-armed humanoids with clongated, pickle-shaped heads. Their environmental suits conceal their translucent skin, through which one can vaguely discern pulsing veins and internal organs. Morseerians have large, black, pupiless eyes, a tiny nose, and a narrow triangular mouth. Males and females stand between 1.5 and 1.7 meters tall, and both genders have builds reminiscent of baseline Human teenagers.


Aside from their trading expeditions, the Morseerians rarely interact with the galaxy at large. Although they supplied information on Imperial fleet movements and troop deployments to Rebel spies during the Galactic Civil War, it is acknowledged by all that they did so only because the Emperor's operatives had taken strides toward locating their home system. Rumors persist that Morseerian Force Prodigies exist, but there are no documented clashes or exchanges between Jedi and Morseerians, nor are there any records of Morseerians among the ranks of Jedi.   Morseerians are quiet and secretive, communicating only with those who have something useful to offer them. Though peaceful, they respond swiftly to any threat- real or perceived.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Morseerians share the following Species Traits:   Ability Modifiers: None. Morseerians are diverse in their activities, and can be found in any manner of professions.   Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Morseerians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.   Speed: Morseerians have a base speed of 6 squares.   Conditional Bonus Feat: A Morseerian gains the Dual Weapon Mastery I Feat as a bonus Feat provided he or she meets the prerequisites of the Feat (minimum Dexterity of 13 and Base Attack Bonus of +1).   Extra Arms: Morseerians can hold up to four items or weapons at a time. This ability does not grant extra attacks; however, it does mean a Morseerian can wield two two-handed weapons at a time.   Special Equipment: Morseerians require environmental protection outside of methane atmospheres. Without a Pressure Suit, a Morseerian takes 1d6 points of damage each round and begins to Suffocate.   Morseerian characters begin play with a Light Pressure Suit at no cost.   Automatic Languages: All Morseerian can speak, read, and write Morseerian.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Example Names: Bargeth Relb, Flyri Sacorbel, Myor Devker, Nabrun Leids, Nilek Rillion, Shalthan Leeru
Average Height


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