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Rebel Alliance

The Rebel Alliance fights against the tyranny of The Galactic Empire in order to restore justice and freedom to the galaxy. Formed by loyalists such as Mon Mothma and Senator Bail Organa, The Rebel Alliance struggles against The Empire at every turn. It uses guerrilla warfare and undercover violence to weaken the Imperial machine and help free the oppressed people of the galaxy. Though The Rebel Alliance sometimes engages in direct military action against The Empire, as seen at the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor, most of the efforts of The Rebel Alliance take place under the guise of legitimate activity. For this reason, The Rebel Alliance has attracted not only freedom fighters, but also outlaws, smugglers, and even pirates.
The Rebel Alliance is loosely organized into cells that can operate relatively independently of Alliance command. Each cell operates on Imperial worlds or out of hidden bases, such as the base on Hoth. Any worlds that sympathize with The Rebel Alliance find themselves the targets of Imperial wrath. Alliance agents are always on the run from The Galactic Empire, and Rebels that are captured are dealt with swiftly and harshly.


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