Adar Tallon Character in Star Wars: Awful Assortment Edition | World Anvil
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Adar Tallon

Adar Tallon (a.k.a. Old Republic War Hero)

Adar Tallon was a renowned military starfighter tactician and naval commander who served the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the New Republic. A legend in his own time, Tallon devised such maneuvers as the Tallon Roll and the Tallon split, which would be used decades past their invention. Tallon served with distinction in the Clone Wars, where his starfighter combat tactics were put to good use against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Alongside Captain Jan Dodonna and Jedi General Plo Koon, he fought at the Battle of Rendili, which resulted in a Republic victory over the Confederacy.
When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Galactic Emperor and transformed the Galactic Republic into the Empire, Tallon served the New Order, leading naval forces against Separatist holdouts. However, he later took a stand and publicly spoke out against the new regime. But the war hero soon discovered that Palpatine was far too powerful to be defeated, and so Tallon feigned his own death. Hiding on the planet Tatooine, Tallon settled down and married, and was content for two decades. But due to the betrayal of his former shipmate Quist, Tallon found himself once again the target of Palpatine's agents.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Officer Commander
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There is nothing wrong with fear. You need never be ashamed of it, as long as it doesn't stop you functioning. Fear is your natural warning system; it keeps you alive so that you can fight. Show me a man who isn't afraid, and I'll show you a fool who is a danger to his entire ship. And I do not tolerate fools in my navy."
"There came a time when it became obvious that Palpatine would soon rule the galaxy. I knew that I would have to flee or die opposing him. I came here to this desolate planet far from the interests of the Empire, fell in love, and settle down to start a home."

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