Charon Species in Star Wars: Awful Assortment Edition | World Anvil
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Charon (/ˈxaron/)

Basic Information


Averaging between two to two and a quarter meters tall, Charon resembled a biological cross between humanoids and arachnids. They had thin bodies, encased by a thick mottled carapace, with distinctly arachnoid features, such as spinnerets in the abdomen, as well as multiple limbs. They had four thin arms with triple-clawed hands, and four hairy, insectoid legs, with large clawed feet. Their uppermost pair of arms was slightly larger than the other pair, and was used for holding weapons, and although Charon could hold objects in any of their four clawed hands, they only had one pair of primary hands. Their multiple limbs had several advantages; Charon were exceptional climbers and extremely stable on their feet, and the sharp claws on both their hands and feet made deadly weapons capable of damaging almost any material. Those claws are coated with a poison which progressively destroys the victim's central nervous system, inducing pain and hallucination whilst every nerve cell crumbles. They were able to lift objects which were far too heavy for most other species. Charon had a large trailing abdomen, capable of spinning strands of sticky webbing, which could be organized into latticework structures that allowed Charon to climb from place to place. They could shoot webs several times a day; the stronger the individual Charon, the more times it could spin. They were able to attack an enemy over ten meters away with a strand of webbing, entangling them, or spin a web about two meters around them in all directions. Although it could be broken by blunt objects, blasters and lightsabers were the most effective weapons against a Charon's webbing.

Ecology and Habitats

The Charon have made Otherspace their home. Their homeworld orbited a black hole, but those that followed the Final Prophet left on a fleet of bioships, killing those that stayed behind. Currently, only the Leviathan, their flagship, remains intact, containing the last survivors of the Charon.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The surviving Charon organized themselves around the Final Prophet, who maintained complete control over them.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Charon possessed eight eyes, granting a wide range of vision. They can easily detect motion, even in the dark. They are very sensitive to vibrations.
Average Height
2.0 - 2.5 meters
Geographic Distribution
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