Otherspace, Episode 2 Report in Star Wars: Awful Assortment Edition | World Anvil
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Otherspace, Episode 2

General Summary

Our heroes, still aboard the Celestial adrift in Otherspace, rejoined with Schaa-vartz, following his brief strike. They searched for the ship's bridge, where they found a security holo-tape stuck on loop. In it, an Imperial Grand Moff had taken control of the bridge before being attacked by Captain Alaina Gryphon and crew, who launched the ship into an emergency hyperjump sans astrogation calculations to prevent him from sending a message to the ISD Relentless. In between loops, Zoltoc Jel noticed a strange enormous vessel drifting in the viewport. After leaving the bridge, Zoltoc was shot by someone in the dark. Schaa blew up the gun, but the shooter was nowhere to be found, even after they searched the entire ship. They did find not-always-whole bodies of crewmates, medpacs, and some more information on the Celestial's original mission, however.   They decided to explore the Behemoth. They flew in on the Enduranc, navigating the dangerous field of desiccated ships that lay in orbit. Passing through a strange webbed membrane, they landed in a vast cavern with a fleshlike floor, next to the four surviving escape pods from the Celestial. They were abandoned, with the only apparent survivor being an Adonis Feline, a commonly kept pet aboard ships. Nerves on edge, Zoltoc hazarded a use of the Force in this hostile environment to discover that the cat lacked any Force presence. For all intents and purposes, it was dead. And yet it was currently rubbing its back against Cyone'slegs. Cyone yeeted the cat across the cavern, whilst Zoltoc skeetshot it out of the air three times. Still, they heard a faint "meow" somewhere in the distance. After this escapade, the crew went through another, smaller membrane, deeper into the belly of the Behemoth.Inside, they discovered a network of rocky paths inside a larger cavern, with a thick red mist coiled about in the depths. They discovered a room, with a smooth floor emblazoned with an entirely incorrect starmap and a webbed pattern. Leaving it, they found a deeper room, with a strange pulsing core in the center. Surrounding it were strange rock-like egg-shaped growths emerging from the walls. Some of them lay smashed upon the fleshfloor, leaking a strange yellow fluid. Tubes emerged from the core, connecting it to these piles, gently slurping up the juice. Hearing moans, the group rushed through a field of broken liverocks, scored by blaster fire, until they found Captain Alaina Gryphon, laying mortally wounded upon the ground. Cyone patched her up as well as he could, allowing her to blurt out stammered speech about her crew and the shadows, before she pulled out a pistol and shot herself in the head, despite Domino's best efforts.

Character(s) interacted with

Chill Space Cat Captain Alaina Gryphon
Report Date
23 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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