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Broken Datapad

Datapad Entry 1: Day 1 - The Hunt Begins

  Nar Shaddaa's Undercity, baby! Finally, a chance to prove myself. This ain't no spice run, no sir. This is the Hunting Grounds, and I am about to make a name for myself. Rumors whisper of lost Hutt tombs, forgotten treasures, and enough droid scraps to build a starship. I got my trusty blaster, my wits, and a crew of scrappers who've seen their share of scrapes. We're gonna carve our legend into these tunnels, one shiny credit at a time!
  Ka'zo Dabul, future treasure hunter extraordinaire, out!

Datapad Entry 2: Day 3 - Droid Debacle

  Scrap's the lifeblood of the Undercity, and these tunnels were supposed to be a goldmine. But every promising pile of tech we find is guarded by these glitchy, rust-bucket droids. Half the time they're harmless, just twitching and sputtering about. But the other half? They attack like rabid womp rats, blasters spitting like spitting sand crabs. Lost two vibroblades to a rampaging smelter droid already, and Tula almost got skewered by a rusty mining laser. We need to find a way past these metal menaces, or our pockets will be lighter than a Hutt on a diet.

Datapad Entry 4: Day 4 - Blades in the Dark

  We stumbled into them like blind slugs in a spice den. Crimson Blades, a patrol three times our number, teeth bared and blasters glinting. Turns out, the "Hutt tomb" rumors weren't just whispers in the wind. These thugs claimed it as their territory, and we stumbled right into their nest. Jek, bless his blaster-happy soul, almost went out like a supernova, holding most of them back while the rest of us ran for cover. The rest of them scattered like bugs when Tula unleashed a pack of grenades she's been hiding somewhere. I still can't believe we made it out. Looks like there's more than just droids to worry about in these tunnels.

Datapad Entry 4: Day 5

  The thrill's starting to wear thin. We've been picking our way through these endless tunnels for days, and the smiles are fading faster than the light. Every tunnel looks the same, every turn another dead end. And then there's the whispers. Not the usual skittering of scavengers, but something...deeper. Like shadows moving in the corner of your eye, a rustle just out of reach. Jek and Tula vanished overnight. No screams, no struggle, just gone. Maps are useless here, twisting and changing like a Hutt's mood. Something's out there, something hungry, and we're starting to feel like its next meal.

Datapad Entry 5: Day 7

  The tunnels swallowed the rest of them. One by one, they just...disappeared. I'm the only one left, alone with the echoes of their screams. None of the maps match anything I have seen. 
  I can feel it. 
  The thing that took them. It's stalking me in the dark. Every creak, every drip. My own heartbeat - 
  I don't know how long I can hold on, but I'm gonna make it out of here, even if it's just to tell our story. The Hunting Grounds claim their victims, but they won't claim mine. Not without a fight.
Journal, Personal


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