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Cisashi Sadin

A Cathar bartender with a keen eye and sharp wit. She knows everyone who walks through the doors and all their secrets. Her keen observations and sharp wit make her a valuable source of information, while her compassion allows her to connect with even the most hardened criminals. She is a survivor who thrives in the chaos of the Dark Lands, always seeking a better life while offering solace and entertainment to those who need it most.  

Core Traits:

  • Observant: Cisashi has a keen eye for detail and misses nothing that goes on in the cantina. She can read people instantly and knows their secrets before they even open their mouths.
  • Witty: Cicashi has a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor. She uses her humor to disarm customers, defuse tense situations, and keep the mood in the cantina light.
  • Compassionate: Despite her outward cynicism, Cisashi possesses a deep well of compassion. She understands the hardships of life on Nar Shaddaa and offers a sympathetic ear to those who need it.

Personality Characteristics


  • Creating a Haven: Cisashi wants the cantina to be a haven for the downtrodden and weary souls of Nar Shaddaa. She strives to create a sense of community and belonging for her customers.
  • Uncovering Secrets: Cisashi is fascinated by the secrets that swirl around her. She enjoys piecing together the hidden stories of her customers and observing the drama unfold.
  • Finding a Better Life: Cisashi dreams of a life beyond Nar Shaddaa. She hopes to use her knowledge and connections to build a better future for herself and her loved ones.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Strengths: Observant, witty, compassionate, trustworthy, resourceful

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Flaws: Cynical, distrustful, prone to gossip, easily bored

Personality Quirks

  • Cleaning glass: Cisashi is constantly polishing the glasses behind the bar, a nervous habit developed during her early days in the cantina.
  • Listening: Cisashi is an excellent listener and can draw out even the most reticent customers.
  • Sharing Stories: Cisashi enjoys sharing stories of her life on Nar Shaddaa, often embellishing them for entertainment value.

A Cathar bartender with a keen eye and sharp wit. She knows everyone who walks through the doors and all their secrets.

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