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Session 3: Place of Healing

General Summary

Inciting Incident

After a peaceful long rest, the party awoke one by one except for Scorch. Coming closer, both Kender and Oz realized that she was burning up and quite unresponsive. Kender quickly applied a med kit and lifted the unconscious girl onto his back. The party began making their way out of the sewers and after a brief scuffle with some Crimson Blades, they successfully made their way out of the Hunting Grounds.

Rising Action

Following Tal's knowledge of the Undercity, the party made their way to an unnammed clinic run by a Bith named Dr. Phulum Jon. He allowed them in after a secret knock and agreed to treat Scorch by allowing her to be immersed in his kolto tank for the mere cost of 100 credits per hour. As people began to get settled or prepared to head out, Tal'vaxis, seeing an opening for information, bribed the doctor to bring all the medical information to him first promising all his future business to the Doctor. Dr. Jon explained that at the initial check there was too much damage to give a concise reading yet but that they would need the full 10 hours of healing. Most of the party split the cost of the kolto tank with Oz taking the lion's share of the cost.
  Then Kender and Agiyuk headed out to investigate their own leads (with the later trailing the former for a bit). Kender went back to his ransacked appartment and retrieved the cobbled together blasters he had been tinkering with and sold them for credits. He also called the bartender of Morbo's Paradise and left a message for her about how he would miss her drinks.
  Agiyuk meanwhile headed to the Black Nebula Market and went to a brothel called the Open Arms. He met a busty Nautolan named Frie Ri and despite a rough beginning the two bonded and she agreed to try to find out if any of the beings wanted to leave the Open Arms.
  Meanwhile, Tal searched the Holonet to see if she could find any bounties on them only to discover a 50,000 credit bounty had been placed on Scorch. Oz was able to get in contact with an old scondrel he knew called Captian Vag'ue Brough. The captian shared that he would be happy to help them get off planet in exchange for Oz helping him get his ship back (hinting that he may have lost it in a game of Pazzaak). Furthermore, he told Oz that in order to get out of the Undercity they vould go to a place called the Rusty Droid and use the pass phrase "I seem to have lost my lucky dice" to get into the backroom and find smugglers willing to get them to the Red Light District undetected.
  Soon after Dr. Jon met with Tal to discuss Scorch's medical prognosis with Oz trailing behind to eavesdrop. Dr. Jon reported that the communication issues were likely due to some electrical damage to the brain and that there was a device embeded in her chest that had essentially replaced her sternum. He theorized that it was most likely Sith in origin as it did not give off normal readings. After Tal expressed a desire to remove the device, he suggested that they confer with Dr. Hom Krethol who is a Bothan cybernetic augmentation specialist in the Corellian Sector. Tal returned back to Scorch's kolto tank where Oz was waiting for him, but Scorch began to wake up and panic. Oz did his best to calm her but when there seemed to be a build up of power Tal activated the seditives sending her back to sleep. There are still 5 hours remaining on the Kolto tank.
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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