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Session 4: Clandestine Negotiations

General Summary

Warming Up

As Agi made his way back to the clinic, his mind was occupied with thoughts of the Crimson Blades. He stopped by a local food vendor, grabbing a healthy salad for himself and some vending machine snacks for the others, unsure of their dietary preferences.   Meanwhile, inside the clinic, Tal delved into researching potential threats against Scorch. His investigations led him to discover information about the Beserker's Shadow, a notorious group of bounty hunters known for their ruthless efficiency. They were not a group Tal wanted to encounter, especially considering Morbo's history of employing them.  

The Darkened Clinic

Suddenly, the clinic plunged into darkness as the power went out. With no windows to gauge the extent of the outage, the group scrambled to illuminate the area with mobile lights provided by Kender. Concern rippled through the room as everyone focused on the crucial Kolto Tank. Dr. Jon reassured them that the tank would continue to heal Scorch, but the lack of power meant a risk of suffocation if not resolved quickly.   In a decisive move, Oz stepped forward and offered his spare power cells to keep the Kolto Tank operational, showcasing his resourcefulness and dedication to the group's well-being. The tense atmosphere in the clinic heightened as they awaited the restoration of power, knowing that their next actions could determine Scorch's fate.   With the clinic plunged into darkness and the Kolto Tank's functionality hanging by a thread, Kender sprang into action. He handed the doctor a portable rebreather, ensuring that Scorch would have a lifeline if the situation grew dire. Together with the doctor, Kender attached the power cells to the vital monitor and rebreather, temporarily restoring functionality and buying precious time.   As Kender's light struggled to penetrate the darkness, he and the doctor grappled with a stubborn door leading to the clinic's foyer. Despite Oz's failed attempts to pry it open without power, Tal effortlessly pushed the door aside, his strength and determination cutting through the tension. In the dimly lit room, Tal ignited his lightsaber, casting a faint glow that illuminated their surroundings.   The group's focus shifted to the breaker, hoping to identify and resolve the external issue causing the power outage. Oz meticulously checked each breaker, doubling back on some, but none responded to his efforts. It became clear that the problem lay beyond their immediate control, adding urgency to their situation.   Meanwhile, Agi neared the clinic and noticed two suspicious figures, a Quarren and a T'ssur, engaged in hushed conversation across the street. Sensing potential danger, Agi discreetly retreated into an alley and alerted the group via text about the observed individuals. Tal cautioned Agi about monitored communications, but Agi persisted in keeping the group informed, balancing caution with the need for shared information in their precarious situation.   As tensions simmered and plans were set in motion, the group divided to confront the looming threat in their own ways. Oz, ever the agile infiltrator, opted to take the stealthy route by slipping out of a back window to flank the potential adversaries. Kender assumed the crucial role of guardian, remaining inside to safeguard Scorch and monitor the clinic's power situation. Tal positioned himself as the face of diplomacy, intending to engage the bounty hunter, Korrak Vord, in a one-on-one conversation.   Oz deftly cut a hole in the window with his lightsaber, the minimal noise of the shattered glass falling escaping notice. He smoothly exited through the makeshift opening and vanished into the shadows of the alley, ready to strike if the need arose. Meanwhile, Tal encountered a minor obstacle in the form of the front door, but Kender's assistance quickly resolved the issue, allowing Tal to step outside and confront the looming threat head-on.   In a nearby alley, Agi concealed himself, blending seamlessly with the darkness as he observed the unfolding events. Tal engaged Korrak Vord, the Quarren gunslinger, with a mix of calm demeanor and calculated bravado. Trading barbed remarks, Korrak taunted Tal about past embarrassments, prompting Tal to subtly reference Korrak's own vulnerabilities.   The conversation quickly turned to business as Tal navigated the delicate dance of persuasion and deception. He painted a picture of a successful mission, emphasizing the girl's temporary control while highlighting her need for healing. To lend credibility to his claims, Tal requested a holographic image of Scorch from Kender, which he promptly received and presented as evidence.   Korrak, unmoved by Tal's words alone, set a deadline of 12 hours for the group to deliver the girl, emphasizing the importance of getting the job done right the first time. With a lingering glance from the T'ssur berserker and the distant glint of a sniper rifle, the encounter concluded with an uneasy truce, and the bounty hunters departed, leaving the group to regroup and strategize their next move within the safety of the clinic's walls.  

Flickering Ember

With the departure of the bounty hunters, a tense calm settled over the makeshift sanctuary of the clinic. Agi, ever curious, approached Tal with inquiries about the enigmatic figure known as the Tyrant. Tal, despite his limited knowledge, shared what little information he possessed about this mysterious entity, setting the stage for deeper exploration into the shadows of their predicament.   Meanwhile, Kender and Agi turned their attention to the sabotaged electrical box, working in tandem to restore power and security to their refuge. As the hum of electricity returned to the clinic, Agi sought Oz's permission to delve into Scorch's mind, recognizing the potential for insights that could aid their cause. Oz, trusting Agi's intentions, granted permission, and Agi cautiously approached Scorch, extending an empathetic touch.   To everyone's surprise, including Scorch's own, the mental connection was established without the expected pain or resistance. The force-sensitive individuals in the room, Oz included, sensed the subtle ripples of this psychic interaction, a testament to the depth of Scorch's connection to the Force and the trauma she had endured.   The intensity of the experience prompted a fearful reaction from Kender, who, perceiving the unseen forces at play as spectral entities, hastily retreated outside, seeking solace in the tangible world. The doctor, sensing the gravity of the situation, withdrew to his office, leaving the core group to navigate this uncharted territory.   In a moment of profound connection, Scorch focused her attention primarily on Oz, her brother. Through the tendrils of their shared bond, Oz glimpsed fragments of cherished memories, moments of familial warmth and protection that Scorch had fiercely guarded amidst her turmoil. The recognition of Sorsha's signature within Scorch's essence resonated deeply with Oz, confirming the familial tie they shared.   Assured by Oz's comforting words and the tangible presence of their shared memories, Scorch found a measure of solace and trust in her newfound companions. The bond forged in that ephemeral moment granted the group a boon, a tangible manifestation of their unity and shared purpose, symbolized by a collective enhancement of their abilities until the next long rest.

Heading Out

As the ten hours elapsed within the comforting embrace of the kolto tank, the party anxiously awaited Scorch's emergence, their collective gaze fixated on the delicate balance between healing and consciousness. When Scorch finally stirred and blinked into awareness, the lingering effects of the healing process and sedatives left her weak and disoriented, a fragile shadow of her former self.   Recognizing her vulnerability, Kender swiftly crafted a makeshift harness that securely enveloped Scorch, allowing her to ride on his back without the risk of falling or straining herself further. Oz, ever protective, draped his cloak over her form, offering a semblance of warmth and comfort amidst the uncertainty that enveloped them.   Meanwhile, Tal sought another audience with the doctor, his inquiries driven by a mixture of caution and necessity. The doctor, while acknowledging the progress in Scorch's condition, revealed that her cognitive abilities had improved, granting her a limited capacity for communication. Tal pressed further, seeking assurances of the doctor's discretion should unwanted inquiries come knocking. The doctor, swayed by the gravity of Tal's veiled threats, conceded to a degree of confidentiality, albeit with a caveat that hinted at the sway of credits over loyalty.   Although the doctor displayed a resilience against Tal's mental coercion, the implicit threat resonated, leaving an impression of caution and a fragile understanding of mutual dependence. The delicate dance between trust and pragmatism continued to define the dynamics within the clinic, where every word and action held weight in the precarious balance between survival and exposure.  

Black Nebula Market

As the group navigated the labyrinthine alleys of Nar Shaddaa, their footsteps echoing against the duracrete, Agi's curiosity led him to inquire about the intricate process of placing a bounty on someone's head. Tal, ever the experienced guide through the murky waters of underworld dealings, elucidated the nuances of negotiation and the delicate dance of price setting, although he raised an eyebrow at Agi's choice of target: Morbo the Hutt.   The mere mention of placing a bounty on a Hutt drew sharp rebukes from the rest of the party, their voices a chorus of warning against such a reckless endeavor. They emphasized the futility of attempting such an act, given the near-impenetrable shield of protection that enveloped Hutts, rendering them untouchable by conventional means and even immune to the Force.   Their journey continued, bringing them to the enigmatic and bustling Black Nebula Market, a place teeming with exotic wares, shady deals, and whispered secrets. Despite the allure of the market's strange and wondrous offerings, the party remained steadfast in their mission, resisting the temptation to lose themselves in the market's seductive embrace.   Arriving at their destination, the Rusty Droid, the atmosphere shifted subtly, the air thick with anticipation and hidden agendas. Oz, usually composed and collected, displayed a hint of unease as they passed by the pazzak tables, a testament to the casino's volatile undercurrents.   Their path led them to a nondescript door guarded by a formidable Kel Dor bouncer, his imposing figure a silent challenge to those seeking entry. It was only after Oz uttered the elusive pass phrase that the door grudgingly swung open, revealing a hidden world beyond. However, their moment of triumph was short-lived as the bouncer's gaze fell upon Scorch, his words dripping with disdain as he referred to her as a slave.   A tense negotiation ensued, with the party fervently asserting Scorch's freedom and their own legitimacy. Despite managing to sway the bouncer's initial prejudice, an undercurrent of animosity lingered, particularly directed towards Oz, hinting at deeper tensions yet to unfold in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa.  

Sneaky Smuggling 

Inside the clandestine confines of the Rusty Droid's backrooms, Oz's keen eyes immediately spotted Tuuk Treyzzu, a familiar face from his past dealings, sparking a conversation that danced between reminiscence and cautious camaraderie. However, Kender and Agi's nerves were palpable, their senses heightened by the oppressive feeling of being watched by unseen eyes that seemed to permeate the cramped space.   Scorch's awakening added an unexpected twist to the tension, her attempt to soothe Kender inadvertently drawing more attention to their group. Sensing the need for privacy, Oz, Agi, and Tuuk retreated to a secluded booth while Tal stood vigilant outside, a silent guardian in the shadows.   Within the confines of the private booth, Tuuk deftly activated a shield mechanism, cocooning their conversation in a veil of secrecy that kept prying ears at bay. Oz wasted no time in expressing his desire to leave Nar Shaddaa's confines, seeking a path to freedom from the moon's relentless grip.   Tuuk, ever the seasoned guide through Nar Shaddaa's labyrinthine underworld, outlined a meticulously crafted plan to smuggle the group into the elusive red light district. The Valve Works, a vital hub responsible for Nar Shaddaa's air quality, served as the first waypoint, where a specific symbol would mark their entry into a hidden transport or shelter.   As Tuuk concluded his briefing, the silence shield dissolved, and he expressed gratitude to Oz for a gift meant for his wife, a fleeting disguise for their conversation. With a nod of understanding, Tuuk bid farewell, leaving the group to digest the gravity of their impending journey into the heart of Nar Shaddaa's clandestine districts. Tal, ever watchful, noticed the absence of the Kel Dor bouncer from their previous position, now stationed at the front entrance and eyeing the group with renewed interest.   With a calculated ease, Tal surveyed their surroundings, noting the lack of alternative exits save for a staircase leading upward. Seizing the opportunity, he ascended the stairs with a nonchalant air, testing each door along the corridor in search of an escape route. However, his attempts were met with the ire of the guests within, their perturbed expressions a testament to their intrusion.   Meanwhile, Oz, ever the improviser, decided to play the role of an inebriated patron, stumbling and slurring his words in a convincing display of drunkenness. The others in the group followed suit, offering apologies and explanations to the disgruntled guests as they attempted to navigate the maze of doors and corridors.   It was Tal who eventually found a potential escape route, a door at the end of the hallway leading into an office space with a side exit and windows opening to the outside world. Their impromptu excuse of feeling unwell was met with skepticism by the woman inside, prompting Kender to chime in with their fabricated predicament of being lost and disoriented.   However, Agi's attempt to clarify matters only served to exacerbate the situation, his mention of debts and fleeing individuals casting a shadow of suspicion over the group. In a desperate bid to diffuse the tension, Agi attempted to cloud the woman's mind, but her resistance thwarted his efforts, leaving Agi with no choice but to flee, leaving his companions to face the wrath of an angry casino owner closing in on them.
Report Date
02 Mar 2024
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