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The Crimson Blades


Operating in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa, The Crimson Blades are a notorious mercenary group known for their ruthless efficiency and unwavering loyalty to their leader. With a legacy of violence casting a long shadow wherever they go, The Crimson Blades have carved out a lucrative niche for themselves, specializing in:
  • Assassinations: Their discreet and brutal methods make them highly sought after by those seeking to eliminate rivals or silence dissenters.
  • Sabotage: From disrupting vital infrastructure to crippling rival operations, The Crimson Blades possess the expertise and resources to execute any sabotage operation with precision.
  • Security Detail: For a hefty price, The Crimson Blades offer their services as bodyguards and protectors, often safeguarding high-profile figures or valuable assets.


Their leader known only as the Tyrant leads The Crimson Blades with an iron fist. He possesses a keen intellect, an unwavering resolve, and a mastery of violence. He uses fear and intimidation to maintain control over his mercenaries, but also recognizes the importance of rewarding loyalty and competence. He is well known for diposing of the rightful rulers of an area and forcing the locals to pay tribute to the Crimson Blades or be destroyed.  


The Crimson Blades operate with a high degree of secrecy, preferring to conduct their missions under the cover of darkness. They utilize a network of informants and safe houses across Nar Shaddaa to gather intel, plan operations, and evade detection. Their members are a diverse group of individuals, united by their shared desire for credits and their willingness to carry out The Tyrant's orders without question.  

Relationship with the Hutts:

The relationship between The Crimson Blades and the Hutts is a complex one. While the mercinaries recognize the Hutts' dominance over Nar Shaddaa and will occasionally take on contracts directly from them, the group also operate independently, ensuring they are not entirely beholden to the Hutts' whims. This delicate balance allows them to flourish in the harsh environment of Nar Shaddaa, but it also places them at risk of incurring the wrath of the Hutts.  


The Crimson Blades are likely to continue operating on Nar Shaddaa for the foreseeable future. As long as The Tyrant remains in power and demand for their services remains high, they will continue to thrive in the shadows, reaping the rewards of their ruthlessness and cunning. However, the ever-changing power dynamics of Nar Shaddaa and the potential for conflict with other factions could pose a significant threat to their continued existence.  

Additional Notes:

  • The Crimson Blades are known to possess a small fleet of starships, allowing them to conduct operations beyond Nar Shaddaa.
  • Rumors suggest that The Tyrant's ruthless ways has caused the collapse of multiple unprotected settlements.
  • The true extent of The Crimson Blades' network and resources remains unknown.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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