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The Hunting Grounds


A twisted labyrinth of discarded technology, forgotten maintenance shafts, and repurposed tunnels, the Hunting Grounds are not for the faint of heart. Once the underbelly of Nar Shadaa's industrial belly, these abandoned catacombs have become a twisted playground for the city's most dangerous residents. Criminals, thrill-seekers, and the simply deranged stalk the shadows, preying on one another in a twisted game of survival.  


  • Traps: From repurposed mining lasers to acid pits and sonic disorienters, the Hunting Grounds are riddled with deadly traps left by previous inhabitants or laid by current players. Navigating the shadows requires a keen eye, a light step, and a healthy dose of paranoia.
  • Creatures: The darkness teems with life, but rarely the friendly kind. Lurking vermin, mutated scavengers, and even the occasional rancor driven mad by the darkness pose a constant threat. Those unprepared to fight for their lives become another grim addition to the environment.
  • Rival Gangs: The Undercity's most notorious gangs see the Hunting Grounds as a proving ground, a place to test their mettle and eliminate rivals. Brutal encounters are commonplace, often erupting into chaotic firefights that leave the corridors littered with bodies.

Reasons to Enter:

  • Thrill: For some, the danger itself is the draw. The constant adrenaline rush, the ever-present threat of death, and the unpredictable nature of the encounters make the Hunting Grounds an irresistible lure for those who crave excitement.
  • Profit: Scavengers can find valuable scraps of technology and forgotten loot amidst the decaying machinery. However, claiming such treasures often requires taking them from whoever got there first.
  • Passage: The forgotten tunnels offer a hidden, albeit treacherous, way to traverse the Dark Lands, allowing the cunning to bypass checkpoints and patrols. But beware, getting lost in the labyrinth can be a one-way trip.

Additional Notes:

  • The layout of the Hunting Grounds is constantly shifting as scavengers repurpose tunnels and gangs carve out new territories. Maps are unreliable, and even the most experienced veterans can find themselves lost.
  • Rumors abound of hidden caches of wealth and ancient Sith artifacts within the depths of the labyrinth. However, those who seek such treasures often wind up becoming another cautionary tale.
  • The Hunting Grounds are a microcosm of the Dark Lands, a place where survival is the only law and morality is a luxury no one can afford. Those who venture into its depths must be prepared to do whatever it takes to stay alive.
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