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Federal Subjects of Hsskhor

The federal subjects of Trandosha, referred as federal subjects of Hsskhor are the collection of administrative divisions that make up the planet of Trandosha and the singular expansive nation that occupies it. Trandosha's government is a federal planetary semi-presidential constitutional republic that divides it's governing bodies between regional and planetary. The Hsskhor Tasni is the nation's most important political federal divisions as it contains the capital city of the single planetary nation. In accordance with Trandoshan Doctrine, the Hsskhor Federation consist of republics, govis, tasnis, cities of federal authority or simply federal cities, autonomous tasnis, and autonomous taksas, all of which are considered equal under the Hsskhor Federation. Three cities of federal authority (Hsskhor, Forak, and Huklo) contain buildings that are important to the Trandoshan federal government such as parliament buildings, city halls, federal courts and agency buildings.   Each federal subject of Hsskhor has it's own Head of Government, parliament and court of justice. Additionally, each federal subject operates nearly independent from the national government with their own set of legislation, constitution and charter. Within the national legislature, each federal subject has equal representation with two delegates each in the upper house of the Federation Composition. All of the federal subjects differ in degrees of autonomy, with republics holding the highest degree of autonomy from the national government.   Post-Imperial takeover of the galaxy saw the collaboration between Imperial authority and elected officials of the Hsskhor government. The Galactic Empire occupied many planets in the galaxy that would live under their flag and control however Trandosha was allowed to retain their independence. The government of Trandosha allowed the Empire to construct an embassies, outposts and a few bases in exchange for maintaining their sovereignty. This alliance between Hsskhor and the Empire expanded trade between the two factions as the Empire needed to do whatever they thought was necessary to maintain their iron fisted grip on the galaxy. Trandosha provided exports such as mercenaries, weapons and raw materials that would be essential to the Empire and their doctrine. The Blackscale Clan heavily involved themselves with the Galactic Empire primarily as their Wookiee slave traders. Trandoshan authorities and officials tolerated the Empire's presence on the planet at most. There are a few of them that lean in favor of the Imperials but most Trandoshans try to stay neutral towards them to avoid being labeled rebel sympathizers.


Name Number Meaning Explanation
Tasni 21 Province, state or region The common type of federal subject which elects a governor along with local legislation. These regions are named after their administrative centers.
Govi 13 Territory Govis are almost identical to tasnis. The only difference between the two is geographical location and population count.
Autonomous Taksa 6 Autonomous small region Often dubbed "autonomous district" or "autonomous micro region", are areas of which the population is mostly composed of predominant ethnic minorities.
Republic 5
Regions with full autonomy, they each have their own constitution, elected legislation and language. Republics of Hsskhor are homes to specific ethnic minority groups and when they are involved in galactic affairs, they are represented by the federal government.
Federal City 3
Major metropolitan cities that function as entirely separate regions.
Autonomous Tasni 1 Autonomous province or region A Tasni that is fully autonomous with a population that is mostly composed of a specific ethnic minority group. There currently exist only one autonomous tasni on Hsskhor which would be Jhci Autonomous Tasni.


Name Administrative Center Type Head of Subject Licensing Number Code Licensing Regional Prefix Federal Region
federal city Hruss Klasso 01 HSK Ibrai
federal city Crossk Som'ak 02 FRK Dosha
federal city Nakkiq Vorraa 03 HUK Ossiansi
Hskeln Hssurda republic Mrinunn By'Grov 04 HKR Dosha
Vlokeli Vlotorov republic Rkila Bris 05 VLO Lorviclo
Krivne Krivne republic Clyb Joonii 06 KRV Hsar
Kivv Kivvec republic Voldenssk Kravets 07 KIV Tskoli
Zashkatia Yalayol republic Gurbuz Biyram 08 ZSH Tskoli
Jhci Jhcivo Autonomous tasni Attot Sliz 09 JHC Tskoli
Avot Belotelon Autonomous taksa Harell Levitt 10 AVO Hsar
Vlest Vlest Autonomous taksa Zlo Tredes 11 VLE Dosha
Doshkotanysii Zslitau Autonomous taksa Ily'tilk Maritev 12 DKT Dosha
Gommuneks Glollun Autonomous taksa Kvrilv Vladri 13 GOM Osyiano
Nivtok-Gommuneks Plikoky Autonomous taksa Raumun Svulut 14 NGM Osyiano
Slinni-Kllik Ist Autonomous taksa Kovli Nemms 15 SLK Ibrai
Pyordothssk Pyordoth Tasni Ertek Burak 16 PYO Tskoli
Tasni Vencenn Stimrassk 17 FRK Dosha
Nuryssk Nuryssk Tasni Nhattoo Doklu 18 NRK Dosha
Hossk Hossk Tasni Maandurk Vaurus 19 HOK Dosha
Veerask Ilukinevi Tasni Hrelyo Valcholv 20 VEA Hsar
Vurraolv Vurra Tasni Mur Meei 21 VUR Dosha
Hsskhor Kolminlo Tasni Andassh Grakleez 22 HSK Ibrai
Gorzuln Gorzu Tasni Bhymu Gomriz 23 GZU Hsar
Sveelo Sveel Tasni Yannis Vekra 24 SVE Ibrai
Huklo Makhukt Tasni Samuli Tsvetal 25 HUK Ossianosi
Nivkadon Nivkadon Tasni Krastyo Kul 26 NIV Ossianosi
Xavtolv Xavtolv Tasni Mrilena Zundel 27 XAV Tskoli
Varicolv Lorpfan Tasni Zektaz Vlossitch 28 VAR Lorviclo
Bakt Bakt Tasni Zlyrssk Vassk 29 BAK Tskoli
Kimakt Kimakt Tasni Lekkarr Akreo 30 KAK Tskoli
Dhynnunssk Dhynnunssk Tasni Skosdol Kynev 31 DHN Tskoli
Dlidakolv Dlidakolv Tasni Vitomir Sarigal 32 DKO Tskoli
Oksessk Oksessk Tasni Thryssk Jlidro 33 OKS Hsar
Mizlo Mizlo Tasni Rora Abzatal 34 MIZ Dosha
Brasorlo Brasorlo Tasni Seyma Mesch 35 BSO Ossianosi
Tsudrikt Tsudrikt Tasni Ostash Hska 36 TSU Tskoli
Scorch Ephis Govi Noksa Insov 37 SCH Ibrai
Dosh Favnaskt Govi Etlak Vluvess 38 DSH Dosha
Ibrai Currssk Govi Chorrssk Imryc 39 IRI Ibrai
Hsarssk Skeff Govi Frolma Kel 40 HSA Hsar
Lorviclo Lycru Govi Morkh Vudgess 41 LOR Lorviclo
Eassk Aldemir Govi Aydogan Uyanik 42 ESK Tskoli
Drakkassk Taivilo Govi Todor Zhikolv 43 DRA Outeknaoi
Urdissk Natan Govi Sion Ghykasyan 44 URD Outeknaoi
Kaule Henar Govi Asbed Iskrenolv 45 KAU Outeknaoi
Gryolv Malassk Govi Bêmal Kahraman 46 GRY Hsar
Edeaon Warkakt Govi Bisera Lukanolv 47 EDE Hsar
Arkt Klilak Govi Kortha Askarev 48 ARK Ossianosi


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