Light Side Power
Stun your target. Changes to paralyze at later levels. A successful fortitude save upon activation leaves target slowed by half movement speed instead.
DC = 5+Level+WIS mod+CHA mod
Cost: 20 force points+1 point/level
Level 4: Stun one target, for 1d2 rounds.
Level 9: Paralyze one target, for 1d3 rounds.
Level 16: Paralyze within 10ft radius of target, friendly fire possible, for 1d3 rounds.
Stun your target. Changes to paralyze at later levels. A successful fortitude save upon activation leaves target slowed by half movement speed instead.
DC = 5+Level+WIS mod+CHA mod
Cost: 20 force points+1 point/level
Level 4: Stun one target, for 1d2 rounds.
Level 9: Paralyze one target, for 1d3 rounds.
Level 16: Paralyze within 10ft radius of target, friendly fire possible, for 1d3 rounds.
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