CR-90 corvette Vehicle in Star Wars: New Republic | World Anvil

CR-90 corvette

A light capital ship manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation.
Silhouette: 5
Speed: 3
Handling -1
Armor 5
Hull Trauma 50
System Strain 25
Fore 2
Port 1
Starboard 1
Aft 2

Hull Type/Class:Corvette/CR90
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: None
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Long
Ship's Complement: 30 to 165 depending on configuration
Encumbrance Capacity: Up to 2,500 depending on configuration
Passenger Capacity: Up to 600 depending on configuration
Consumables: One year
Price/Rarity: 1,200,000 credits/5
Customization Hard Points: 4

1x Dorsal and 1x ventral turret-mounted twin medium turbolaser battery:
Fire Arc All
Damage 10
Critical 3
Range Long
Features Breach, Linked 1, Slow-firing 1

2x Port and 2x Starboard turret-mounted light turbolasers:
Fire Arc Port and Starboard
Damage 9
Critical 3
Range Medium
Features Breach, Breach 2, Slow-firing 1