Errol Vondromas

Sith Lord, Sorcerer, ghost, bodysnatcher

First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 16.0 "The Jedi Citadel"

Darth Errol Vondromas

VNY's notes:

Led a Sith army in attack upon the Jedi Temple on Asanti. He was very skilled; the battle between him and Jedi Master Groma was so impressive that the general troops on both sides quit fighting each other in order to watch.
Been dead for centuries and still a pain in the shebs.
- database entry updated Harvest Day 12722

Updates from The Wave! Your independent source of Unauthorized News!

After being discovered in the menagerie of Ferrin the Collector, Errol Vondromas {Sith Sorcerer} was freed when the Collector’s warehouse {in Port Nevermore} was broken into by a band of Bloodsmith Raiders.
Taking a chance, Vondromas possessed the body of a dying Bloodsmith but was captured. He was later again rescued when Jedi Knight Vanya Ysadora, infamous pirate Vance Kerplocken, and Clan Kerplocken matriarch Zaye discovered him in the sewers under Port Nevermore on Chalcedon.
Seeking revenge against his captor, Vondromas tells THE WAVE that he agreed to work with the others toward the same goal of killing the being that captured him. According to witness descriptions, this may have brought Vondromas to a crisis of belief within the realm of the Force, leaving him in a turmoil of emotion as he was caught between returning to the Light Side of the Force and the claws of the Dark Side.
Is this the first recorded incident of someone being seduced by the Light Side? History indicates that temptations normally head in the opposite direction!
Stay tuned for further updates as the Freedworlds Republic prepares a star system charter based upon the Articles of Piracy!
- database entry updated Benduday
5 Hean
FWR 01
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Jedi Master Groma. It did not take.


Author's Notes

"Oh good," say weary researchers everywhere, "another new calendar to try to match up to the Galactic Standard."

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