Game of Vors: Eleni Benacor

written by Eleni Benacor's player from March 23rd through June 15th, 2013

General Summary

(I stopped calling this a report because Eleni doesn't really report to anyone anymore)
**any paragraphs in parentheses indicate stuff that was happening while Eleni wasn't around. She may have been told of the information later, but I felt it right to show that she wasn't there.**


I was busy looking at my new shiny confiscated ship while everyone else rescued Khun and got into some other stuff.


Idea – send one or two of the newly reformed Sisters of Battle out to take donations and make money for the abbey on the new ship – once it's thoroughly sanitized, of course.


Mak is in prison, and probably will be for a very long time. Kinda sad that he's the scapegoat, but he's the type who has to learn by making mistakes.


(log entry with music going on in the background). Something about vor's bastards and making sure they don't talk or they will ruin everything. And something about how easy it will be to pick off the “jedi and her hulk”. - see the scrolling credits on the guild for full details.


Greelo and Vanya and Hulk/Yeager/Aidan dealt with a few problems, learned a few things, did a little dance (would love to see that!). They have an item they want to stash somewhere. Plus a lightfoil. Vanya has both lightfoil and crystal, because she hasn't had a chance to turn that in. there was communication with Procopia System, where they learned “things” - that's Greelo. Greelo is in deep.


I have been working, in addition to inspecting the ship, with those who are still alive and not reaverized (turned into Reavers ). The treatment isn't a cure-all, but it is effective. I have created something special. I need to inoculate everyone. And send the data to Simon. I am thinking about naming the vaccine after Simon. What about “Tam-a-flu”?


Vanya's trying to stave off the arrival of Spar and Ventress, while turning in the lightfoil/crystal things.


Yeager is sending info to d'Arcy. Info about the Death tomb planet with the stuff(nasty). (he's aboard the Manticore).


Vanya's evidence is official and everything! A Vormecetti lightfoil. She's very hungry and we head to somewhere to eat. Vanya asks my opinion of a Black obsidian sphere that may be a holocron – party going on inside, hence “party ball”. I reminded her of the obsidian things we'd encountered in the past, and Greelo was listening, so I got more vague about things. Have to remember that guy is looking for an angle on most things. I asked if it had glowed yet. Vanya referred me to Aitin/Yeager, since he's had more experience with it. When I see him, I'll figure out a way to talk to him about it.


Vanya's plan hinges on the Estrogen solidarity of the “tea party” to take care of Spar. He and his lovely wife are heading here on information that their child is being held somewhere on the station. Spar ticked off Emperor Gregor and there's a bounty on his head.


Here is our route – security/foodcourt then sickbay.

Vanya: I realize i'm going to hell in your religion (for lying)
Eleni: I don't know about that. How far would we have gotten if none of us could lie? To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.

A maintenance guy goes by.. doing stuff and looking official. He kneels down, then stands up again, and POOF he's OBI-Wan! Desk sergeant thanks him and calls him Ron. He's under cover. Shh. Obi Ron. What is with the winking at Vanya?


Ok, so maybe he's wandering around and repairing the sabotage to the station that was going on via the maintenance droids. Obi Wan is going to get me a beer that hasn't been tampered with. He has information to share, so we're supposed to drop everything and eat now. I am ok with this, as Vanya is very hungry. I barely touched the beer.


There is a “team” behind all of this. They have been on station the entire time, managing traffic going in and out. Recent events have curbed it significantly – that means the curfuffle we have been making has helped. Highly paid mercenaries. No names yet, but 6 in total. From the Corporate Sector in Coruscant. Apparently they find all of us very fascinating. They want something one of us has found. I'm sure it's not the ship, because I've been alone on it for a bit, and no one bothered me. Ok, that one Renslip Fin bothered me, but he didn't seem highly paid. Obi Wan is going to a poker game he's been invited to. 2 security and 2 maintenance droids. It's probably highly important to the well-being of the space station – who am I kidding.


Khun is in medical, in bacta. Wee. Two ysalamiri (iguana things that block the force when stressed out) are staring up at him. We are headed there. Some guy opens the tank when Khun uses his “let me out” button. Oh, it's a perfectly normal technician with a medglove. The tech falls over after a blaster shot. Khun saves the tech. Security guys are shooting, a human drops out of the ceiling (has augmented tech) and starts fighting security guys. He saw that Khun was awake, and watching him, and booked out of the room. Khun emerges from the fluid, a savior and hero to the security guys.


**(MacGyver moment)**


((He escaped the guy with a gurney, bacta tank, and some electrical equipment!))


The lemonade nurse is now a vibroknife nurse. Security guy gets in the way. But then he was cool about it and got on board (the gurney which is now being surfed down the hallway).


We (Vanya, Greelo, and I) hear gunshots from medical. I shake my head. Khun. Apparently Khun's security guard friend is very much like Khun.


There's a sharpshooter trying to kill Khun, and the guy shoots the panel that closes the med bay doors. Or begins to. I managed to slide through the doors as vanya ignites her lightsabers on the other side.
Greelo shoots arrows at the doors, and they grind to a halt, keeping the doors open.


First shot (from the back) takes a security guy hard in the chest. He lands kind of on the unconscious tech guy. Security guy stands back up again (this is a great security guy!).   It is really hard to think suddenly as the ysalamiri freak out and create their little anti forcefields. Knowing Vanya's on the way in, I run into a room with a ysalamir scooped up. The defib machine explodes down the hallway. I curl around it to protect it/him/her.   (Greelo hits one of the snipers with a tazer round. Ok. He fires, but he can't see if he hits something. ok. He hit something, but he doesn't know what he hit.)   (Vanya is running towards the rolling explosion. She concentrates, trying to absorb or dissipate energy. She's got it! Woo. Down the hallway, more security people are in need of help, but no combatants are visible. Some maintenance hatches are open. )   I get the other iguana out of the way, and check on Khun.   Medbay is pretty damaged. Khun wakes up, feeling like a bantha sat on him. The nurse (lemonade) is very dead. Dr. Hamas is lying face down in his office. He's alive, but in very bad shape. The 2-1B droid is shot.   (An unarmed gentleman walks slowly and fluidly through the mess. This guy is the assassin -noname – Marik Tulor (but I have no clue of this). He's carrying an electrical probe for some reason. He's apparently dealt with the guys who were shooting as a means of paying a debt. (this is the one with the cloak that I fought!) He's asking Vanya if she needs someone killed.)   (Vanya asks about the ones who were after Khun that have disappeared. He's creepy. He will observe the guys that got away, as well as the scene around him. Creepy. )   I am taking care of the wounded – all the other doctors are out of it, so they have to make do with me, I guess. Khun takes my advice to get his clothing. He seems to be mobile, at least.   (Aitan finds out that the snipers were targeting medical offices, not rooms with patients or nurses' stations. Someone from a “secure cell” is tauntingly talking to Aitan. Zel Glanis (Dr) - the guy who weaponized the reaver virus. I would like to do some special things to him. He sounds very wrong. He offers his services as doctor, since no one else is available to help.)   At Vanya's request, I ask the resident and 2 nurses some questions. What happened? They had just finished doing some treatments, resident had samples, and suddenly someone blew a maintenance hatchway open. Tried for the medic emergency shield but didn't get it in time. Hand scanner to check ID's. Ignored the crazy walking biohazard Doctor. They saw Dr. Hamas and got excited. Nurse Judak made them flip their weapons to kill. “it's her”. “grab him. We need him.” A really thin guy (Presumably Marik Tulor) ushered R, N and N into a room. One of the 5 guys fell over for some reason. Thin wirey guy started reassuring them. R, N and N's death debt will be paid by someone else. Didn't see the lizards out there, but they knew they were being used for something. The intruders made hand gestures and nodded, possibly telepathic or subvocal or comm units. They were very effective. They've had gangs come through before – medusas. They blew up a station power core. R, N and N asked for me to get Dr. Hamas to a room, on a gurney, so they can stabilize him. So I did that.


(Greelo goes to pharmaceutical stores to check reaver vaccine – it's still untouched. Greelo found a piece of power armor that was hit by one of his arrows. Nurse lemonade(J) is too clean, and was executed. Implants were removed.
Khun thinks about nurse lemonade, who so recently went into some kind of fighting stance, and what that might mean. Lethal, nonflashy, effective stance - vorzirani)


Aitan knows a guy who can get me another non-tainted beer in exchange for me going with him to deal with people. Might be able to actually drink this one.


Khun gets Van Sant to contact his station manager, in order to get that guy to order a battle frigate to get here because of the Vorzirani connection. I really have to find out about bounty hunter school. It sounds really interesting. You apparently learn about retinal scanners.


(Vanya finally got her sandwich and made some calls. (to Darth Vor hehe) Pocket Vors, shake and rattle clone (no mention of Eleni. ha) (she explains about the death planet and how someone erased all mention of it out of the most secretive databases). Can't stop the signal. Vormellissus)


So! We head to Gray Sector. There is no sneaking with power armor. I will wait for Aitan to draw their fire, and get in behind through a different corridor. Greelo is going to head into a jeffries tube type thing. Khun has everyone's back. That was the plan. Unfortunately, we all ended up in jeffries tube-type corridors, splitting up. Khun followed after Aitan.


(Aitan heads into a dark Gray sector. He's in the maintenance elevator. There are pipes running overhead (plasma or something) condensation on the pipes. Gloomy. Damp air. Comm system is fading in and out for some reason (at least for Aitan). 10 minutes in, he finds no traps or anything like that. Static point. Where he is about to walk bothers him. Invisible webbing, chest level. He checks the sides, to see if there's anything attaching it. Junction boxes (extra ones) connected to a hot pipe. Pair that creates a magnetic tripwire. )


I open the maintenance hatch and step out into the corridor. Dampness taste. No fog. Humid, though. I continue forward, carefully. Comm blackout areas. Aitan tells me of booby traps. On the walls, I see up at the pipes/junction intersection, there are more wire cases – looks thicker. I cut the case open and find a set of wires with a temperature sensor. I look it over and decide the only way to deal with this is to set it off, so... I am going to run through it. NO, on second thought I chug the beer I didn't know I had and throw the bottle. (Apparently Aitan came through on the beer before we headed out to Gray Sector). The air shimmers, and afterwards, emitters pop out and an extremely bright repulsor beam slams down and dents the deck plating in front of me. It would be like being hit with a giant hammer. Well there we go. Tipsy, I head through the corridor, being ever so much more careful.


(Greelo is being very careful. His trap is very difficult to figure out. Turns out it was a modified Vor shield belt that created a big thick person-stopping field. He got through it by moving very slowly. Excellent body control! )


(Vanya talks to some Vormecetti who wants his vibroblade back. He is arrested during the conversation, which has to be very embarrassing).


I turn to go down a ramp to the right in a cross section. My equilibrium feels off as I walk down the ramp – a gentle slope. I get on my knees to look at the slope, feeling around, and I realize the path forward is an optical illusion. I realize it just as I lose my grip on something solid, pitching headfirst into a pit. I land in the garbage collection area. Everything's moving on it's own, it seems. Good news – no comm signal interruptions. It's gloomy and dark, half working maintenance lights. Something moves – saw a pair of eyes. Greelo did say something about beware of the rats. You'd think there would be warning signs around - “Danger, large pit ahead”, but I guess the guys who set the traps got rid of those.


Khun and Yeager fell in, too. I found the maintenance hatch, and Khun hacked it. I got out first, and got to see a package being levitated by Vanya. Looks like explosives. Yay. Sucking noise. Yeager gets six of the many mandalorian iron daggers that were poised to stab at both of them before they fell. Both of the men are in the garbage pit, but I warn them, and they start out. Khun makes it out. Yeager is caught by the vacuum and sucked down. Klaxons are going off. He is stopping up the drain. He manages to hang on, and drag himself out. Yay. Yeager gave me one of the knives. Greelo entered the catwalk area, catching up to the rest of us. Vanya has explosives. It's amazing to me that none of us appear hurt.


Something hinky is going on with the package. Emitters very much like those we all dealt with in the traps on the way down are beaming something towards the package. We all decide to try to shoot at these eight emitters that are all trained on the explosives. All of us amazingly made it, with Yeager hitting three! I got one, Khun got one, and Greelo got three with his awesome arrows.


We all hear this “All right. Cute. That's enough now.” A figure in power armor steps out of a hologram of the furnace below. Who is this guy? Did he just call us cute? The other five members of his team step out of the same fake furnace with weapons trained on us. These are the same kind of guys that we stopped from blowing up Aitin's ship. They are tough, but there's only 6. Yeah, we went through all of that crap! But there's only 6. Ugh. I have STUFF IN MY HAIR!

Report Date
23 Mar 2014


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