Song of Centering
Not unlike the Jedi power of Concentrate, the Song of Centering is the Catali method for using the Force ( or as the Catali call it "The Wind" or the "Winds of Force" ) to sharpen their mind toward one task.
With the Song of Centering, the Catali feels the Winds of the Force flowing through them in the rhythm of the song, clearing all negative thoughts from her mind. In this way, the shaman finds their center of balance within the universe to be able to concentrate on one specific task at hand.
The Catali shaman makes a Control roll vs the following difficulty:
Relaxed and at peace | Easy
Filled with restive emotions | Difficult
Acting on negative emotions | Very Difficult
If the control roll is successful, the Catali may add +4D to any one action they perform after succeeding at the Song of Centering. Once the action is complete, the sharpness of focus will leave the shaman until they attempt the song to communicate with the Winds of the Force again.
Related Organizations
Related Element
Effect Duration
This power may not be "kept up".
Applied Restriction
Once the Catali shaman succeeds at the Song of Centering, they may do nothing else but the skill they are focusing on for one action. If they attempt to perform more than one skill at that time, the Winds of Force fade and they lose the +4D bonus until they attempt it again.